So It's Friday afternoon and you’re checking in at the car wash. You pull in blasting Billy Squire, "in the dark"! Yeah, baby! You and your Mazda came to the car wash to rock! That’s how you live your best life!
Except now you’re wondering, do I actually rock? Do I even remember how to rock? How does one rock? What is the science behind rocking? It's Friday and time to rock, but how do you do that?
Techno Kid laughs heartily, nearly slinging his arm around your shoulders as the two of you stand there amidst the sudsy spray and whirring brushes. Alright, listen up, because I'm about to drop some serious wisdom on you, brother.
So you think you forgot how to rock, and need a refresher course. Well buckle up, because Techno Kid's School of Rock is now in session! First things first - rocking isn't about following some strict set of rules, it's about letting loose and embracing that wild, untamed energy within you. It’s just like accessing NRG. Accessing that inner NRG is the key to rocking hard and rocking consistently. It's all connected - the passion, the energy, the sheer joy of unleashing your primal urges.
So what’s the plan for tonight once you get home from the car wash, put the laundry away and have family pizza night? Are you going to sit out by the pool with a couple of beers or wine and listen to Boston? Is that rocking?
He grips your shoulder tightly, looking deep into your eyes with a fierce intensity. Listen closely, because I'm about to tell you something crucial. Drinking beer or wine while passively listening to tunes, that's cool and all, but that's not really rocking, not in the true sense. So on a Friday, what would one do to rock? Well it’s about taking that primo NRG and channeling it into an unforgettable, adrenaline-fueled adventure. Picture this. You've just finished work on a Friday, and that pent-up NRG inside you is screaming for release. First things first - crank up the tunes loud enough to shake the walls. We're talking heavy basslines, killer guitar riffs, lyrics that speak to your deepest desires. You’ve done that already? Hell yeah, you're already off to a banging start, brother! With the tunes pumped up loud, you're setting the perfect vibe to unleash that beast within. Next up… Techno Kid paces around agitatedly, gesturing wildly as the ideas pour out. gotta get moving, man! Movement is key, but it's not just about leaving the house. Get your blood pumping right where you are! Jump around, thrash those limbs, head-bang until your brain rattles! Dancing like nobody's watching, remember?
At this point, Techno Kid stops everything and looks at you with a smirk. What’s that? You’ve been up since 4 AM? Maybe you hit the gym before making it to work early for a day of projects, meetings and phone calls?
You’re tired, so maybe you want to rock during the day. Tomorrow you might wake up up at 5AM to hit the gym before you do the weekly grocery shopping. At 10 AM, you might stop off on somewhere on a wilderness trail to hike up a mountain. Late afternoon you’re hooking up with friends to do some high speed road cycling. Can’t that be rocking? Or maybe you don't truly rock. Maybe rock can only be done at night under the conditions I described earlier.
Techno Kid laughs boisterously, throwing his head back as he shakes it. Sure, nighttime is traditionally when folks let loose and rock hardest. But don't sell yourself short! Your ass-crack-of-dawn gym sessions, your epic hikes, your balls-to-the-wall bike rides? That's all part of the rock lifestyle too! Here's why… He holds up a finger, eyes sparkling with conviction as he explains. See, rocking ain't confined to just the nighttime hours, nah, it's a state of mind, a way of living life on YOUR terms. Those types of activities we mentioned earlier that older adults like you tend to do - the early mornings at the gym, conquering mountains, tearing up trails on your cycle; those are all incredible ways to access and express that raw, untameable energy inside you, my friend! Think about it - every rep you rip through at dawn, every grueling step up that mountain trail, every pedal stroke churning through highway on your road bike; that's all YOU, pouring forth your unique brand of NRG, leaving nothing on the table.
So then there's rocking in your 20s which all of us used to do like go to wild night clubs or have crazy party with your friends. And then there's rocking in your 40s… 50s… and beyond. Rocking looks different at various stages of life, but at its core, it's still all about expressing that vital, untamable spirit within you. In your 20s, rocking is usually all about chasing that initial rush, that raw, unbridled energy and desire to cut loose. Nightclubs, parties, raves - those flashing lights, thumping beats, and electric atmosphere all served as the ultimate catalyst for tapping into your youthful, boundless NRG reserves. It was about losing control, blending with the writhing masses, surrendering to the hypnotic pull of the music. Aww yeah, those were the days, huh? Burning up the dance floors, painting the town red, living fast and free. But hey, here's the thing - that kind of rocking, it's like... it's like the first chapter of a novel. Rocking in your 20s, that's the introduction, the opening act. It's where you learn to recognize, accept, and start to harness that powerful force inside you. But it's also the most chaotic, uncontrolled chapter of the book. Sure, you had a lot of NRG and power, but it was useless. It didn't get you anywhere except wild and crazy-partying. All that raw, untapped potential, wasted on empty calories and hangovers. Don't get me wrong, those experiences were essential - they taught us about consequence, balance, and the fleeting nature of instant gratification.
Techno Kid leans back, gazing up at the swirling vortex above, his voice taking on a philosophical tone. But as we grow older, wiser, rocking starts to evolve, to take on deeper meaning beyond just chasing temporary highs. Now, in your 50s, it's less about the quantity of the chaos and more about the quality, the intention behind it. So rocking is serious business in your 50s and beyond. This ain't no kiddie pool anymore - rocking in your 50s is about diving into the deep end, facing your demons, and emerging victorious.
You’re probably going through that now. Maybe in your career you were given an opportunity to step up to a higher platform with more challenging work. After your two weeks of training and on your own, you keep messing up! And all you keep telling yourself is that somehow you have to make this work. You try to remind yourself that you have the NRG, and the ability to rock.
Techno Kid jumps up suddenly, eyes blazing with fervor as he grabs you by the shoulders, shaking you slightly to drive home his words. Listen to me! You've got it in you, man! All that fire, all that indomitable spirit that's fueled you this far, it's still burning bright, ready to guide you through this challenge! You might want to give up and tell your boss to forget it because maybe you’re just ruining your reputation with the mess ups. But this rugged road might be the only way to a higher platform. So you don't worry about your reputation for now.
And that's the spirit! Embracing the rugged road, focusing on progression rather than perfection - that's the essence of rocking, man! Reputation can rebuild itself over time, but opportunities like this? They don't knock twice.
So would I say you know how to rock? Are you doing it right? He looks at you intensely, searching your eyes. Are you rocking? Abso-freakin’-lutely you are, brother! Maybe not in the wild, reckless way of your younger years, but you've evolved, you've grown, and now your rocking has depth, purpose.
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