Tom Raimbault: Technologist, writer and photographer
Author and producer of The Literary World of Tom Raimbault.
Author of the Mapleview series of novels available through Next Chapter Publishing.
Author of numerous short stories to include topics such as horror, bizarre, and supernatural.
When author Tom Raimbault was a teenage boy, he experienced a moment of terror in which he was thrown out his bed by a malevolent spirit late at night. It should be clarified that this spirit didn't actually enter the physical space where he slept on that particular night. Rather, it somehow accessed his consciousness as he tried to enjoy sweet dreams. The spirit coerced Tom to poise himself at the edge of the bed and then jump onto the floor. Upon relaying the incident many years later, he recalls growling some seconds before taking the plunge into darkness.
Then his feet hit the floor which caused Tom to fully wake up. Terribly frightened and confused as to what happened, Tom screamed in terror and, of course, woke up the entire family. His startled father rushed into his bedroom to see what was the matter.
"It threw me out of my bed!" Tom declared to his father, who probably figured his son merely had a bad dream. But to Tom, the incident was very real. To this very day he knows what happened. Through dreaming, he had exposed himself to what was perceived as some dark and evil place in the astral realm where (what he perceived to be) a malevolent spirit with hyper dimensional existence managed to affect him here, in the physical realm. For many months, thereafter, Tom had to learn how to protect himself while dreaming. And it caused him to have the unfortunate phobia for some years after of his inherent skill of astral projection. It wasn't until he was in his early twenties that he resumed the practice of projecting his consciousness outside of the body.
On that fateful night of being thrown from his bed; Tom had a series of bizarre dreams, afterwards, of a barn. It was an old barn that people had converted into a living area; not a farmhouse, but a barn. In his young mind, Tom concluded these people to be evil, perhaps even possessed by demons. And the barn held a mystery that could never be solved. You see, one would never want to enter the building because its infinite interior of ever changing, and "paradoxical" realities would trap an unfortunate visitor forever! The old building was a portal to some reality that we could never comprehend in this world.
But what does Freudian dream analysis suggest of a barn?
If one sees a barn in his or her dream, it often represents inhibited feelings or instincts that remain locked within the subconscious. With this revelation it's safe to conclude that on that fateful night, Tom simply had fragments of himself trapped within the subconscious mind. The malevolent spirit that threw him out of his bed could very well have been his Jungian shadow that was yearning to be consciously embraced and brought to light. You see, we as humans need to call to light and explore the dark facets of our psyche. Enlightenment does not happen by concentrating on "fluffy bunny" thoughts and imagining beings of light and benevolence. We need, rather, to expose the darkest corners of our subconscious, and understand them. Once set free, only then can we begin to experience states of enlightenment. Subconscious manifestation, after all, is one of our lifelong journeys.
And that, my friends, is one of the purposes of writing for author Tom Raimbault. It could very well be his personal plunge into the dark corners of the subconscious mind where he extracts and brings to life the many nightmarish realities, some of which defy all logic or reasoning, but are for some reason bothersome and anxiety-provoking.
Ask someone who is a fan of Tom Raimbault's writing; he or she might comment that "Tom writes those horror books."
The reader interpreting his stories as being horror is fine for author Tom Raimbault. But, as he often lectures, "Horror has been tainted in the modern age in much the same way that the celebration of Halloween has been poisoned. For some reason, most people have come to see horror as blood and guts or evil. What fun is that? Horror is so much more and should offer a glimpse of what life beyond the veil is like."
Tom further self-describes his writings, "Rather than write of blood and guts or feed people's obsession with demons and Hell, I simply write what I like to call dark fantasy, dark romance, paranormal or bizarro fiction."
There is usually some supernatural element in author Tom Raimbault's writings that imposes itself our world. Characters have psychic abilities. Magic is a common theme. In many stories, those who have passed on to the other side continue to exist by simply reaching their hand through the veil and intertwining their dimension into ours. And most often, there is a lesson to be learned for conducting oneself unconscionably. It's old fashioned horror; elegant with integrity and always maintaining a respect for God.
You can feel good knowing that this is the sort of person writing the Mapleview series of books.