Monday, September 9, 2024

Released from Captivity


Amy's life abruptly changed on the night she had been abducted. On that night she was walking alone in the parking lot at work—another late night at the office. It all happened so fast, like something out of a movie; something that was so unbelievable. A white van slowly drove up to her. Around this time she started to feel nervous. Amy actually thought about retreating back to inside the office building. How she later wish she had done this on that fateful night. Instead, she disregarded her instincts and continued walking to her car.

Just as the van had passed a few feet, the red brake lights illuminated. Amy stopped dead in her tracks and had a terribly sick, adrenalized feeling. There was clearly something about to happen. But before Amy could turn to run away, the back door of the van opened up and a stranger grabbed her as Amy screamed for help. With brutal force he dragged Amy into the van, and then closed the back door. From what Amy remembered of that fateful night, the stranger had some sort of makeshift caged doorway that led from the back to the front. He ran through this doorway; locked it shut and then sat down in the driver's seat.

As the van raced through the streets and highways that night, Amy struggled in vain to escape. She initially tried opening the back the door—even kicked. But you see, the van had been rigged in such a way that none of the doors could be opened from the inside. It was exactly like a police van. Amy looked around for windows to possibly bust through. Of course the van didn't have any. It was the perfect sort of van for abducting somebody as no one on the outside could see the captor struggling to escape. All Amy could hope for was the possibility that security cameras in the parking lot having filmed the abduction taking place. Maybe it would have recorded the license number of van.

But, of course this never happened! The company where she worked didn't have security cameras in the parking lot!—so cheap!

And where was Amy taken?

The abductor drove to an old abandoned farm out in the country where he parked at a nearby horse barn. At one time the barn had equine residents occupying the several stalls. But it was now the place where Amy would spend countless days… weeks… months, enduring repeated rape and torture. Many of these acts would be completely vile, enough to damage one's spirit. But through all of it, Amy would do her best to remain strong.


It was on a bright, early morning when Amy's captor entered the barn and walked up to the stall where she was confined. "Something's happened to me." he announced.

Not knowing what to expect, Amy only stared at him from the ground behind the wooden gate.

"I just don't understand what has happened to me." he continued.

Amy never knew his name; just knew his face and hated his guts. She hated everything about him, and would take great pleasure in killing him.

"I feel guilty." explained the captor. "I feel guilty for what I have done to you, and for all these many months of raping you—many times torturing you. You must really hate me. I realize this."

Amy remained speechless. She wasn't going to say a word because knowing her captor; this could go in any direction. Was he about to break the news that he would finally kill her to rid the feelings of guilt? Sick people are like this. They do horrible things and then suddenly feel guilty for what they have done, and then see murdering the victim as the way to fix all the problems. But, much to Amy's surprise, that wasn't his plan.

"I need to set you free." he said. "I need to call the police; have them come here and show them to you; confess to what I have done, and then let them take you home to your family. They must be worried sick about you."

The mention of her family brought tears to Amy's eyes.

The captor could see this. "Yes, I know. In my selfishness and malicious deeds, I neglected to realize that you have loved ones who are worried sick about you. And you probably have children, don't you?"

Amy nodded her head. Thirty four years old, she was married with three children. A day didn't go by that she didn’t think about her family.

"Well... I think that's enough talk." concluded the captor. "I think we should just get the police here." he reached for the cell phone in his pocket, pressed some buttons and then waited.

"Yes, I've done a horrible thing... I am the one responsible for abducting the missing woman, Amy Leeson... Yes, I'm her captor... she is still alive... I have her here... I've decided that I need to turn myself in and serve my time in jail... You can take her home to her family... Please come quickly before I change my mind.... I'm at the old abandoned farmhouse that can be seen off highway 31... Up that gravel road... You can see the silo from the highway as you approach... It's in the barn... I have her locked up in one of the stalls, and she's waiting..."

By now, tears were streaming down Amy's eyes. She could not believe what she was hearing. In all the time of her captivity, she truly believed that she would die. But now, through an unheard-of act of an abductor, he was setting her free.

And then the captor walked out of the barn. Amy could see his shadow as he stood outside and waited. Amy worried that perhaps this might turn into a race against time. He might suddenly change his mind; kill Amy and flee before the police arrived. Again, the captor was a very sick man as evidenced by the horrible things he had done to Amy.

Some time passed as Amy heard the sound of a vehicle traveling up the gravel road which led to the barn. It was so close that she could hear the engine before it was turned off. The door opened and then Amy's captor spoke.

"Hi, yes, I'm the one who called."

The voice of the police officer answered, "We received a 911 call; something about the abduction of Amy Leeson. She's alive in there?"

"Yes sir... And I'm her captor. I've done horrible things to her for a number of months. Now it's time to let her go. And it's time for me to go to jail.”

Not long after he said this, a police officer entered the barn and saw Amy lying in the stall. You see, the captor always kept Amy tied up in restraints against a pole. When he was done with her he just retied her; just let her sleep sitting up and tied against a pole. She remained there, now, staring up at the officer.

"Everything is okay now, Ma'am." reassured the officer. "Are you Amy Leeson?"

"Yes..." answered Amy while breaking down in tears.

"Like I said, it's all over." Then the officer looked over to the captor. "Can I have the keys to get in the gate?"

"Yes sir..." agreed the captor while handing the keys over.

The officer unlocked the padlock and slid the bolt over to open the gate. And then entered, but then closed the gate behind him while suddenly smiling mischievously. The officer turned back to the captor and cited, "She thinks this is real, doesn't she? She actually thinks she's going home today."

Amy was flabbergasted. Was this just a trick?

The captor called out while exiting the barn, "Well I hope you get your money's worth! Enjoy!"

Too good to be true; this was just another cruel moment of torture; this time mental torture of raising Amy's hopes of possibly going home, only to be smashed back down. The police officer wasn't a police officer at all. He apparently paid money to rape a woman in captivity. He merely wore a police costume to add to the sick moment of mental torture.

And it was a brutal hour for poor Amy!

The End!

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