Hello All:
Friday is upon us and we wrap up the work week with a brief writing from the Adjacent Channel Collection.
Have a great weekend!
"Whatever you choose to do, I hope you have a wonderful weekend." That's a message from Bard.
Just Say No to Guar Gum!
You are at a self-serve ice cream parlor and reach into the refrigerator for a small serving of ice cream.
But then you look at the ingredients. Why isn't the first ingredient milk? One would expect this, right? Instead, guar gum is the first ingredient.
You wondered why the hell that was and decided to research guar gum. What is it?
To do so you reference a phone book which provides all sorts of interesting information. Come to find out, guar gum was first used in the food industry around the 1950s, but soon banned by the federal government because of undesirable health effects. But it was much sought after by food manufacturers. Kennedy signed an executive order to allow guar gum, but then it was banned again. Obama eventually authorized the use of guar gum.
But in the decades between Kennedy and Obama, there was a guar gum king-pin chemist who developed sneaky ways of adding this to our foods. He made a fortune doing so as-if he were a drug king-pin. He lived in a beautiful mansion with elaborate furnishings of the day and age. But something happened to the guar gum king-pin chemist. He either became terribly ill and died or simply died of old age. The end of is reign was never fully understood. Regardless, they tried to auction off his estate but it never sold.
Along with this wealth of information on the guar gum king-pin chemist, the phone book shows you pictures of his house which turns out to be the very house where you live!. You ended up with all of his elegant furnishings and decor from the late 70s/early 80s.
Aren't you thankful for guar gum?
The End!
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