Friday, November 11, 2016

Mars--the ghost planet?

 Hello All:

Have a great weekend! And if you look up at Mars in the sky, realize that what you are seeing is a mirage.
Mars--the ghost planet?
In recent news Mars does not exist. Scientists have determined that the famous “red planet”, fourth from the sun, has never been in the sky. It's actually a mirage out in space, a phenomenon that scientists are still trying to understand. They hypothesize that Mars could very well be our psychological placement of an object that we think should be "there".
So what is it that we are seeing when we look up at the sky and clearly see Mars?
It’s explained that at most, we are physically seeing any number of asteroids that are within the orbit between Earth and Jupiter. Asteroids could be any number of colors as seen out in space. We simply pick the red one and assign Mars to it on any given night.
 What about successful space missions to Mars? Surely this would have to account for something.
Space missions to Mars were most likely Earth spacecrafts that landed on a large asteroid between Earth and Jupiter. Scientists previously assumed that they successfully landed on the imaginary “red planet”. They are certainly embarrassed now that they know the truth.
What about the centuries of views of Mars through the telescope?
It is said that the exciting views of the “red planet” from Earth through telescopes are nothing more than projected mirages from space. Mars has been completely fabricated in our imaginations. We expect to see it in the sky. We insist that it is there. And then our minds play tricks on us so that our eyes see it through a telescope.
This mirage phenomenon explains the reports from a hundred or more years ago of Mars having forests and the famous canals that joined different regions on the sol called "red planet". Astronomers in those days used to see things like this in their telescopes. Again, it was only a mirage, something fabricated in their imaginations. So when looking through a telescope they additionally saw the canals, the forests, and in some cases the polar caps.

Paranormal investigators have jumped the bandwagon on this recent discovery of the “red planet” being imaginary. They are saying that perhaps Mars really was a planet at one time or another between Earth and Jupiter. It might have been blown to smithereens in a prehistoric nuclear war, long before the people of Earth would have been intelligent to view and interpret such a thing.  It is simply a ghost now. At most, Mars can now be considered the "ghost planet". It doesn't exist; it's a mirage; yet it continues to haunt us in the sky as our imaginations place it there where we think it should be.

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