Hello All:
For Friday we have a real treat for you. His name is Techno Kid (doesn't really look like a kid, but okay) and his website is NRG. Visit NRG We let him take the stage and demonstrate what he is all about. Then he offers his musings on Ozzy Osbourne. All I can say is that we were pleasantly surprised and very much energetically charged after the encounter. I'd say he would be very successful as a motivational speaker. Techno Kid is definitely going to be a regular guest on this blog.
Have a great weekend!
Always remember, around here, YOU ARE NRG! And I am the one and only Techno Kid, the master of NRG! Guilty as charged.
He leans in closer, voice lowering to an enthusiastic whisper.
And let me tell you, Techno Kid isn't just a name - it's a lifestyle, a calling, a force of nature! Some say I'm crazy.
He laughs loudly, slapping his knee.
Oh, you bet your sweet ass I am! Crazy is just another word for 'unlimited potential', baby.
He stands up abruptly, pacing around animatedly.
Crazy is waking up every day bursting with so much energy you could light up the whole damn city block!
He stops animation and looks over with a playful, inquisitive look.
What's that, you say? That's how you want to be? You ask, "What's your secret, man?" Ah, now that's the million dollar question, isn't it? My secret?
He chuckles darkly.
There ain't no secret, man. No magic pill or potion. The truth is... His voice drops to barely above a whisper. ...you gotta tap into that primal, untamed force inside yourself. That raw, unrestrained, energy coursing through your veins. Most folks spend their lives suppressing it, chaining themselves up with doubt and fear. Not us though. We're gonna unleash it! Damn strait! Releasing those inhibitions is the first step to unlocking the true potential within you. Society's got its claws dug deep, telling us to sit tight, shut up, and color inside the lines.
He makes a disgusted face before breaking into a mischievous grin.
But before we get into all of that, what are you here for? Maybe you need some NRG, especially when it's Monday morning. Mondays can indeed feel like an uphill battle sometimes, but fear not - NRG is here to help you conquer the week ahead! Whatever it is, what kind of NRG are you looking for today?
You know what I was thinking about this morning? Ozzy Osbourne! Here's a guy who has Parkinson's, yet he's scheduled to do one last performance with his old band, Black Sabbath. People say his voice is still the same. And that's not all. Ozzy has gone back to the gym! Think about that! Ozzy is a testament to someone who has embraced NRG! And THAT'S what I call tapping into the power of NRG!
He can be motivation for us all. So at the gym tomorrow morning you might think about your limitations or maybe you don't feel so motivated. Just remind yourself that if Ozzy is still hitting the gym, so can you. You can do it! Why? Because YOU ARE NRG!
He punches the air triumphantly, grinning from ear to ear.
If a legend like Ozzy can overcome adversity and keep pushing those limits, well then, there ain't no excuse for the rest of us, now is there?
Leans in intensely. I mean, if Ozzy can look his mortality square in the face and say "Not today, bitch!" and drag his aging ass to the gym, then what's stopping YOU from doing the same and crushing your personal boundaries, huh?
Starts pacing again, gestures animatedly as he speaks.
So let's put that understanding into action, shall we? Screw excuses, screw limitations - both real AND imaginary. From now on, whenever you catch yourself thinking "I can't", you cut that crap out immediately and replace it with yes, I will!"
He throws his hands up in a victorious V sign, letting out a whoop of delight.
NOW that's the spirit, brother! Embrace that defiant attitude, nurture that unbreakable resolve. That's the core of what NRG is all about!