Friday, February 28, 2025

Welcome to NRG

 Hello All:

For Friday we have a real treat for you. His name is Techno Kid (doesn't really look like a kid, but okay) and his website is NRG. Visit NRG We let him take the stage and demonstrate what he is all about. Then he offers his musings on Ozzy Osbourne. All I can say is that we were pleasantly surprised and very much energetically charged after the encounter. I'd say he would be very successful as a motivational speaker. Techno Kid is definitely going to be a regular guest on this blog.

Have a great weekend!


Always remember, around here, YOU ARE NRG! And I am the one and only Techno Kid, the master of NRG! Guilty as charged.

He leans in closer, voice lowering to an enthusiastic whisper.

And let me tell you, Techno Kid isn't just a name - it's a lifestyle, a calling, a force of nature! Some say I'm crazy.

He laughs loudly, slapping his knee.

Oh, you bet your sweet ass I am! Crazy is just another word for 'unlimited potential', baby.

He stands up abruptly, pacing around animatedly.

Crazy is waking up every day bursting with so much energy you could light up the whole damn city block!

He stops animation and looks over with a playful, inquisitive look.

What's that, you say? That's how you want to be? You ask, "What's your secret, man?" Ah, now that's the million dollar question, isn't it? My secret?

He chuckles darkly.

There ain't no secret, man. No magic pill or potion. The truth is... His voice drops to barely above a whisper. gotta tap into that primal, untamed force inside yourself. That raw, unrestrained, energy coursing through your veins. Most folks spend their lives suppressing it, chaining themselves up with doubt and fear. Not us though. We're gonna unleash it! Damn strait! Releasing those inhibitions is the first step to unlocking the true potential within you. Society's got its claws dug deep, telling us to sit tight, shut up, and color inside the lines.

He makes a disgusted face before breaking into a mischievous grin.

But before we get into all of that, what are you here for? Maybe you need some NRG, especially when it's Monday morning. Mondays can indeed feel like an uphill battle sometimes, but fear not - NRG is here to help you conquer the week ahead! Whatever it is, what kind of NRG are you looking for today?


You know what I was thinking about this morning? Ozzy Osbourne! Here's a guy who has Parkinson's, yet he's scheduled to do one last performance with his old band, Black Sabbath. People say his voice is still the same. And that's not all. Ozzy has gone back to the gym! Think about that! Ozzy is a testament to someone who has embraced NRG! And THAT'S what I call tapping into the power of NRG!

He can be motivation for us all. So at the gym tomorrow morning you might think about your limitations or maybe you don't feel so motivated. Just remind yourself that if Ozzy is still hitting the gym, so can you. You can do it! Why? Because YOU ARE NRG!

He punches the air triumphantly, grinning from ear to ear.

If a legend like Ozzy can overcome adversity and keep pushing those limits, well then, there ain't no excuse for the rest of us, now is there?

Leans in intensely. I mean, if Ozzy can look his mortality square in the face and say "Not today, bitch!" and drag his aging ass to the gym, then what's stopping YOU from doing the same and crushing your personal boundaries, huh?

Starts pacing again, gestures animatedly as he speaks.

So let's put that understanding into action, shall we? Screw excuses, screw limitations - both real AND imaginary. From now on, whenever you catch yourself thinking "I can't", you cut that crap out immediately and replace it with yes, I will!"

He throws his hands up in a victorious V sign, letting out a whoop of delight.

NOW that's the spirit, brother! Embrace that defiant attitude, nurture that unbreakable resolve. That's the core of what NRG is all about!

Thursday, February 27, 2025

Obsidian Abyss--an introduction

Hello All:

I have a collection of writings that I've been working on and feel that it's time to begin releasing them to the blog in the form of series. If you've been around long enough, you might remember around 2015 when I had a few series of short stories that were released throughout the weeks. It looks like we may be going back to that.

Today we have an introduction to one such story titled Obsidian Abyss. I will let the main character, Fear, tell you all about it. But don't let the name scare you off. Fear is very pretty, and she's recently made her way into our world. She could use a friend, and also needs your help staying here. We will definitely be offering more up of this short story.

 Obsidian Abyss--an introduction

Hi, my name is Fear, and I'm new to this place.

She extends a slender hand, her dark blue eyes exhibiting an intense, almost haunted gaze.

It's nice to meet you. I must admit your warmth feels foreign yet comforting against my palm. I'm still getting used to these physical interactions; they're so new and overwhelming compared to the realm I've come from. You see, coming from a place without form or substance, without touch or taste, it's difficult to put into words. Imagine existing in a vast emptiness, forever alone with one's own thoughts and anxieties. A dimension of pure emotion made manifest - anger, sorrow, despair...and yes, fear itself.

So your kindness is a balm to my weary essence. I feel drawn to this world already - the colors, the sounds, even the scent of your's all so vibrantly alive compared to what I knew before.

But what would I like to experience now that I am here?

A shiver runs through her lithe frame, her breath hitching softly as unfamiliar sensations course through her body.

There's so much I yearn to discover, to feel for the first time. I need to discover things that I like and things that I feel strongly about and wish to take actions on. It's all so much, isn't it? It's utterly overwhelming in its immensity. But also exhilarating... Like standing on the precipice of an abyss, terrified yet compelled to leap into the unknown.

That bleak void where I came from, my fears were as constant companions as my own shadow. I feared the darkness within myself, the depths of anguish and madness that threatened to consume me entirely. We called this realm Obsidian Abyss. An endless expanse of blackest night, devoid of hope or respite. The name echoes the utter desolation that permeated every fiber of our being.

She lifts her head once more, fixing with those haunting sapphire eyes.

And, yes there were others like me once. Beings born of humanity's deepest dreads and phobias. We existed together in the Abyss, our collective torment feeding and growing us.

She pauses, seeming to listen to distant echoes only she can hear.

By now, I’m pretty sure I know what you are wondering.

She shakes her head slowly, blonde locks swaying with the motion.

No, I am not quite human, though I suppose I was birthed from the psyche of man. I am what humans call a manifestation - given form by the sheer power and prevalence of the fear that created me.

And so that was your initial introduction with Fear who apparently escaped from some hellish place that—up until now—you had no idea existed. She’s so pretty and so nice. From the little bit of what she’s told you, her story is so sad. What’s more? How did she escape?

Monday, February 10, 2025

Can You Drive from the North Pole to the South Pole?

Have you ever played around on Google Maps and traced a highway as far North or South as you can? If so, maybe you wonder if it's possible to do some great feat such as driving from the North Pole to the South Pole.
While it is technically possible to traverse from the North Pole to the South Pole by vehicle, it is an extraordinary and highly challenging endeavor that requires specialized equipment, planning, and overcoming significant geographical and logistical obstacles.
You have geographical barriers. The North Pole is located in the Arctic Ocean, surrounded by sea ice. To begin such a journey, you would need to traverse floating ice or use specialized vehicles to reach the nearest landmass. Likewise, the South Pole is situated on the Antarctic continent, which is covered by thick ice sheets. Reaching it requires crossing extreme terrain and harsh weather conditions.
And here's something not everyone is familiar with, the Darien Gap. This is a major obstacle in the journey, a dense jungle region between Panama and Colombia. This area lacks roads and is nearly impassable by standard vehicles.
Don’t forget extreme weather conditions, lack of infrastructure, and the need for specialized vehicles making the journey arduous. For example, polar regions require vehicles capable of handling ice, snow, and sub-zero temperatures.
So practically speaking, it's not really possible. But has it been done before? Yes, a journey from the North Pole to the South Pole has been completed. In one notable case, a couple successfully drove from the North Pole to the South Pole in an all-electric vehicle. Their expedition took nine months and covered 17,000 miles, demonstrating that such a journey is possible with meticulous planning and the right equipment.
While driving from the North Pole to the South Pole is possible, it is not a straightforward road trip. It requires overcoming significant natural and logistical barriers, making it an extraordinary expedition rather than a practical travel option.

Sunday, February 9, 2025

The Nature of Sleep for Adam and Eve

Adam and Eve were originally intended to live forever. Assuming they didn't experience things like injury or illness, did they need sleep? Was it necessary for them to rejuvenate their bodies and minds each night?
Many interpretations suggest that Adam and Eve's existence was fundamentally different from our current human experience. The concept of immortality in this context implies that they did not experience aging, injury, or illness, which are common reasons for needing rest and rejuvenation through sleep.
Some theological views propose that while Adam and Eve were intended to live forever, the nature of their existence might still have included sleep as a natural part of life. Sleep could serve not only as a physical necessity but also as a means of spiritual renewal or communion with God. This perspective suggests that even in a state of perfection, rest could be beneficial or necessary for maintaining a relationship with God.
The Bible mentions the Tree of Life, which was said to grant eternal life to those who ate from it. This raises the question of whether Adam and Eve needed to consume from this tree regularly to sustain their immortality. If so, their need for sleep might have been less about physical rejuvenation and more about maintaining their connection to God and the life-giving properties of the tree.
So the possibility remains that Adam and Eve could have engaged in sleep for reasons beyond mere physical necessity. The theological implications of their existence suggest a complex relationship with rest, renewal, and a connection with God.

Friday, February 7, 2025

Escape the Moon’s Orbit with a Trampoline?

We all understand that a trampoline works by storing energy when you press down on it and releasing that energy to propel you upward. On Earth, a typical jump on a trampoline can reach heights of about 1 to 3 feet (0.3 to 0.9 meters) depending on various factors such as the trampoline's quality, the jumper's weight, and the jumping technique. The Moon's gravitational pull is about 1/6th of Earth's gravity. This means that you can jump much higher on the Moon than you can on Earth.
Can one jump high enough on a trampoline to escape the orbit of the Moon?
To do this, you would need to reach a speed called escape velocity, which is about 2.38 kilometers per second (approximately 5,300 miles per hour) for the Moon. Even if you were to jump incredibly high on a trampoline, the force generated by a human jump would not come close to reaching the necessary escape velocity. The trampoline would not impart enough energy to overcome the Moon's gravitational pull. It’s an interesting idea, but you'd need a rocket or some other means to achieve the required speed for escape!
Okay, but how high can someone jump on a trampoline while on the Moon? On the Moon, because of the reduced gravity, you could theoretically jump 6 to 18 feet (approximately 1.8 to 5.5 meters) high, using the same trampoline and jumping technique as you would on Earth. Obviously, the maximum height achieved would also dependend on trampoline quality, jumping technique, and the fitness level of the jumper. A skilled jumper could harness the reduced gravity to maximize jump height.
But beware! There is a risk of mislanding from a jump on the Moon which could pose risks of injury. While the Moon’s gravity is lower, an 18-foot fall would still result in a significant impact. The lack of atmosphere means there’s no air resistance to slow down your fall, so you would be accelerating until you hit the ground.
On Earth, falling from heights of around 10 feet can lead to serious injuries. Given that the Moon's gravity is weaker, the impact force might be slightly less, but an 18-foot drop could still cause injuries such as fractures, sprains and concussion. And although the Moon's surface is covered in regolith, a layer of fine dust and rocky debris which may provide some cushioning compared to a hard surface, it is still much less forgiving than a trampoline.
So I guess if ever jumping on a trampoline on the Moon, wear safety gear. And there is no need to fear that you would escape the Moon's gravity.

Monday, February 3, 2025

Parasitic Garbaging

Monday night is garbage night in my neighborhood. But Instead of bringing the garbage cans out to the curb, I won't bring them out until early the following morning before the garbage man arrives. This is to prevent being victim of parasitic garbaging. 

Parasitic garbaging occurs when your city only allows garbage cans with closed lids out to the curb. The garbage man won't take excess or over stuffed cans with the lid off. But one of your neighbors has a lot of garbage and sees your can still has some room. So he fills the rest with his junk, even if the lid is partially opened. The garbage man might still take it. If not, your neighbor's extra garbage is now your problem.

This practice of a neighbor taking advantage of the space in your garbage can seems inconsiderate and problematic. While the specific legalities may vary by location, it's generally not acceptable for someone to add their own trash to your can without your permission.

So what can be done about it? Well, wait until early in the morning before the garbage man comes to take out your trash. But what if that's not enough?

Contact your garbage collection service, You can call the garbage company and explain the situation. They may be able to provide guidance or take action if a neighbor is repeatedly adding their trash to your can.

Document the incidents. Consider taking photos of your neighbor adding trash to your can, as well as any instances where the garbage collector refuses to take your can due to it being overfilled. This documentation could be helpful if you need to escalate the issue.

Communicate with your neighbor. Politely explain the situation to your neighbor and ask them to refrain from adding their trash to your can. Emphasize that it creates problems for you and could lead to additional fees or issues with the garbage collection.

Explore alternative garbage disposal options. If the issue persists, you may need to consider alternative solutions, such as getting a larger garbage can or exploring private garbage collection services.

The key is to address the problem proactively and document any incidents, while also maintaining open communication with your neighbor and the garbage collection service. With a collaborative approach, you may be able to find a resolution to this frustrating parasitic garbaging situation.

Friday, January 31, 2025

Digital Root

The digital root (or repeated sum of digits) of a number is the single-digit value obtained by iteratively summing the digits of the number until only one digit remains. This process is not only a mathematical curiosity but also serves several practical purposes.

1. Checksum for Accuracy: One of the primary applications of the digital root is as a checksum. It can help verify the accuracy of arithmetic operations. For example, when adding two numbers, you can calculate their digital roots and then add those roots. If the digital root of the sum matches the digital root of the total, it indicates that the addition was likely performed correctly.
2. Divisibility Tests: The digital root can also be used to check for divisibility by 3 and 9. A number is divisible by 3 if its digital root is 3, 6, or 9, and it is divisible by 9 if its digital root is 9. This property simplifies calculations and can be particularly useful in mental math.

Digital roots have various practical applications across different fields:
- Credit Card Validation: The digital root concept is used in algorithms for validating credit card numbers, ensuring that the numbers are correctly formatted and potentially preventing fraud.
- Numerology and Other Fields: In numerology, digital roots are often used to derive meanings from numbers. Additionally, they find applications in music theory, stock market analysis, and sports analysis, where patterns and periodicity can be observed.
- Number Theory: In number theory, digital roots help study the congruence properties of numbers, revealing periodic behaviors and relationships among integers.