Friday, September 6, 2024

The Day Riley Lost His Job


For someone who appears to live the life of Riley, one might be compelled to ask just why Riley seems so discontent and unhappy at times. Well, it was all brought on by a major crisis that Riley had experienced some years ago. It changed and altered him so that even to this day, Riley has not fully recovered.

For nearly fifteen years, Riley was employed at the company and climbed the corporate ladder with nothing more than dedication and hard work. He rightfully earned the position of executive account manager that brought with it a comfy salary, hard-wall office, and all the goodies given to spoil people who already have way more than they should.

On his fifteenth year there was an organization-wide meeting in which it was announced that there would soon be a company buy-out. Competition was purchasing the company where Riley worked and joining forces to expand business. It was an excellent opportunity that both sides of the transaction could not pass up.

But this buy-out made it necessary to reduce expenses and—as the CEO worded it—painfully decide to reduce head-count.—LAYOFFS!

"I don't think it'll be us." said one of Riley's coworkers during lunch.

"Yeah, me neither." agreed Riley. "We're too important to get rid of. Besides, layoffs are a way for companies to get rid of workers at the bottom ten percent. It's a perfect opportunity for HR to finally take out the trash in this place." Riley celebrated his cold statement by swigging the remains of his diet Dr. Pepper.


It was two weeks later—a Friday morning—when Riley reported to the office and walked past a small conference room where a never-seen-before bald and heavy-set man sat. At the center of the table was a box of tissue.

"Weird..." Riley thought to himself.

By mid-morning, one of Riley's coworkers scurried into his office. "Riley! Layoffs are happening! They're actually in the small conference room and calling people in one-by-one to lay them off."

"What?" exclaimed Riley! That can't be! Not our department!"

"I'm afraid it's true, Riley. They sneak up on you without warning, tap you on the shoulder and motion you to follow. None of us knows who is going to be laid off, next. If anything happens to one of us, it was nice working with you."

Lunch hour was very depressing and somber for Riley and coworkers as they discussed the shocking details of the layoff.

"They got Henry."

"Henry? He's been with the company for almost thirty years!"

Riley offered some hopeful information for everyone. "He's old! The guy's a lame duck and just waiting for his retirement. Of course they were going to lay him off."

"They got Mary! She had the whole East Coast market."

"Mary? Wow, I'm surprised!"

Again, Riley offered some hopeful insight. "Yeah, but Mary has three kids at home. She's a mother and has to take time off to be with her kids. They don't want some woman with kids working this job. Of course they were going to lay her off!"

"Oh and Steve! They let Steve go this morning!"

"Poor Steve! He's got colon cancer. What's he going to do, now?"

"Come-on, guys!" answered Riley. "Don't you get it? They are laying off all the people who are useless; like old people, women who should stay at home with their kids, and people with illnesses. Like I said before it's the bottom, ten percent of poor performers who are laid off. The company is just taking out the trash. They won't get rid of us. We actually work around here."

What Riley didn't understand is that most of the people at that the lunch table not only had concerns about losing their own jobs, but also had concerns for their fellow coworkers. Riley was purely selfish and self-centered. He only cared about himself!


By 1:00 in the afternoon, the boss entered Riley's office. "Riley, I need to talk to you."

Riley's face turned flush. It just couldn't be! He was about to lose his job! He followed his boss into the big office and sat down.

"Listen..." the boss began. “We've got you on the list of people to let go. But I think I can save you. Although your job is being eliminated, the new company has a position opening. It's the exact, same position that you are doing, now!"

Riley sighed a bit of a relief. "Okay... What do I have to do?"

"Just go through the motions, today." said the boss. "In about an hour or so, the firing manager will bring you into the conference room to announce that your job is being eliminated. Sign the paperwork and collect all the information on your severance. Afterwards, just let them escort you out the building. I just got off the phone with our new manager. They want to hire you, Riley, and have you start immediately! Unfortunately there is a one week delay before you start your new job. And update your resume so they have something on record. Riley, this is a very, rare opportunity; and luck is certainly on your side today. And let me mention, it's a sweet deal for you. Because you are considered a direct new hire, you will immediately receive a $10,000 sign-on bonus. Plus you will get a 15% raise in your salary!"

"Wow!" exclaimed Riley. "What about benefits? How about my vacation time?"

"The new company has nearly the exact, same health benefits. As for time off, they start you with the usual holidays along with four weeks of vacation."

Suddenly, Riley didn't look too happy. "Four weeks? That's it? But I have eight weeks, now."

"Well, you are a new hire. They have to offer you the standard four weeks."

Riley sat still and expressionless for several seconds. It wasn't fair that the new company took advantage of him by offering such a measly amount of time off. "Here's the thing..." Riley began. "I want to be grandfathered in with my vacation time. I want all of my eight weeks to transfer over to the new company. I've worked here for almost fifteen years, and I think I deserve it."

"We can't do that Riley. Policy is policy."

"Well, suddenly I don't know if I want to take the job."

The boss was flabbergasted. "Riley, do you understand what is happening? You are less than an hour away from losing your job. You could spend months trying to find a new one, and there's no guarantee that you'll find a company that will offer you the same salary. I've pushed for the new company to open a position for you. And not only have they opened a position for you, but they are giving you a nice sign-on bonus with 15% increase in salary. Are you really going to turn the offer down for vacation time? A lot of people in this world have never even heard of vacation time."

Riley remained still and expressionless until reluctantly answering, "Fine! I'll take it! I guess you leave me with no choice.”

"Good man, Riley! Good man! Now take next week off and return the following Monday morning. That will be your start date at the new company.”


As the boss warned, the bald and heavy-set firing manager entered Riley's office and motioned him to follow. Riley had just created his automated out-of-office message that informed people who emailed him throughout the week that he would return the following Monday.

In the conference room he was given the sad news that his position was being eliminated, and then reminded that there was a box of tissue on the table if needed. Riley signed all of the exit paperwork and collected a nice, fat severance package. Then he was escorted out of the building at two hours before quitting time. His weekend and vacation started early.

Riley's wife was surprised to see him home so early and immediately noticed the grave look on her husband's face. "Uh-oh! What happened? Why are you home so early?"

"I was laid off."

"Laid off? Oh no! Don't worry! We'll get through this!"

Riley shared some additional information with his wife. "The new company is offering me a position. I guess it's the exact, same job that I was doing before getting laid off."

She sighed a relief, "Oh good! Thank God! When do you start?"

"I'm supposed to take a week off and report to work the following Monday."


But Riley wasn't exactly thrilled. "But they only give me four weeks of vacation time."

"Four weeks?" asked Riley's wife. "What about salary? How is that?"

"I'm getting a 15% increase in salary, plus a $10,000 sign-on bonus."

"Great!" exclaimed Riley's wife. "You should be happy! This is like a blessing in disguise. And don't worry about your vacation time. You'll build that up again."

Riley shook his head and sighed. "Still, I was laid off." He opened the refrigerator door and pulled out four bottles of beer. Then he sat out in the garage to drink them while replaying in his mind the events of the day. Riley was angry and confused. Why had he been laid off? The company actually saw him as the bottom 10%—garbage to be thrown out in the dumpster. He dedicated himself to the company all those years; and that was thanks he got?

All day Saturday Riley sat on the sofa, drowning out his sorrows by drinking beer and watching TV. He didn't wash for the day, shave or brush his teeth. He was too depressed to even take care of himself. By late afternoon, Riley took out his frustrations by yelling and swearing at the kids.

"Pick up your damn toys! I don't feel like living in a shit-hole!"

"Riley, don't swear at the kids!" snapped his wife.

"Look, I just want people to clean up after themselves."

Sunday was no better. Riley still hadn't washed, shaved or brushed his teeth. It was only 10:30 in the morning and already he was on his second beer.

Riley's wife had seen enough of the ugly behavior from her husband. "Riley, it's Sunday morning. Why are you drinking beer?"

"Because I'm thirsty." Riley's voice had a tone of ugly calmness that reflected someone who held in an unbelievable amount of rage and anger. Being calm was the only thing he could do at that moment.

"But you're drinking beer. That's alcohol. You're going to get drunk."

"I'm not going to get drunk off a couple of beers."

"Yes, but you're going to keep drinking them like you've been doing since Friday. You've been drunk for a couple of days, now."

"I'm not getting drunk!" argued Riley. His voice was suddenly not-so calm as he nearly shouted.

"But you're on your second beer at 10:30, Sunday morning." retorted Riley's wife.

Now, Riley began to shout, "I'm not getting drunk! I'm just drinking beer!"

"Riley, why are you drinking beer? And why are you shouting at me?"

"I'm not shouting! And I'm drinking beer because I'm thirsty!"

"You're thirsty? Well then why don't you drink water?"

"I tried water, but it's not enough! I need something else!"

"Well that sounds like you have some sort of problem, doesn't it?"

"I don't have a problem! I'm just drinking beer! And do you want to start being critical? Let's be critical about you. How about all the junk food you're eating? You're getting a fat ass from it! There, how do you like that?"

Riley's wife was now outraged. "How dare you say something like that to me! And just what the hell is your problem? Why have you suddenly turned into a miserable ass since Friday afternoon?"

Riley had a simple answer, "Well I'm really sorry, but maybe I'm not quite myself because I lost my job! I was laid off!"

"You were laid off?"


Riley's wife forced a laugh while shaking her head in disbelief. "You really think you were laid off? Riley, there are people in your office who went home this weekend without a job. They'll be hunting for many months—possibly a couple of years for a new job. They'll have to collect unemployment. And when that runs out, they'll have no choice but to get a job at Walmart or someplace degrading just to try and make ends meet. Do you realize that people are losing their homes because of not having a substantial income? And all you have to do is take a week off, report back to the office and make even more money? So you can stop feeling sorry for yourself. You did not get laid off!"

Riley whipped his half drunk bottle of beer across the room and right through the family room window. "How dare you say that? I was laid off! Don't you get it? The company saw me as the bottom 10% and got rid of me!" Then Riley melted into the floor and pounded his fists onto the ground while sobbing.

Riley's wife just shook her head in disbelief and walked away. It truly was a dark moment for Riley. He lost his job, turned to drinking to cope with the misery. And now he couldn't get any sympathy from his wife.


Monday morning, Riley woke up early. It was one week before starting the new job (actually his old job—just with a new company and for much, more money.) He finally showered, shaved and brushed his scummy teeth. He put on a suit and tie, and then head out the door. The mission for today? Riley needed to file for unemployment so that he could receive money for the week off.

At 9:00am, Riley stormed through the door of the state unemployment office. But what was this? There was already a long line of people waiting. There was a wide range of newly unemployed people—union laborers, factory workers, office people; even those who looked like losing their jobs was a full time career so they could live off the system.

Riley was confused. He identified himself as a special worker who wore a suit and tie and came from corporate. Did they have a special area for people like him? Riley cut through to the front of the line and approached the desk to interrupt the clerk. "Excuse me! Is there a place where I'm supposed to go?"

The clerk looked irritated to be interrupted by Riley. "I'm sorry?" she asked.

"Where am I supposed to report to?"

"Sir, are you here to file for a claim for unemployment?"

"Yeah, I just want to know where people like me are supposed to go. You know... white collar business people who are laid off from corporate offices?"

The clerk handed Riley a packet of paper with pen. "Sir, fill out this paperwork and wait at the end of the line for your turn. This is the only line if you want to file a claim."

Riley couldn't believe what he was hearing. There was no special area for people like him? "Are you serious?" he asked.

"Yes, sir! Please go to the end of the line and wait your turn!"

And so Riley stood in line while filling out the paperwork. 45 minutes later he was finally at the front desk, soon to be escorted to an associate who would view his case.

She was a rough and rugged older woman who sat at a desk before a computer, and looked to have experienced her share of abuse in the years. She must have seen and processed thousands of claims of unemployment.

Riley handed the woman his paperwork.

"Okay... so you were earning $319,000 at the time of losing your job..."

It was a degrading salary for Riley. It was like the company teased him by implying they would not reach $320,000."

"...therefore you are qualified to receive a limited six month salary that would equate to $210,540 per year."

Riley remained still and expressionless for a few seconds. "So in other words you are telling me that I can only get $210,000 a year?"

"No salary that would equate to $210,540 for a maximum of six months while you find your new job!" the clerk answered with a smile.

The answer wasn't good enough for Riley. "Well what kind of crap is that? I can't live off that for the week. The company isn't paying me for the time off. I need money, or I might have to dip into my savings account."

"Sir, what do you mean 'for the week’? Is your company temporarily laying you off?"

"No!" Riley exploded. "Now just a minute! You've got it all wrong! I was laid off. I lost my job. The company I worked for decided that my position was no longer needed. But the new company who is purchasing them is hiring me. I start for them next Monday."

"So you have work lined up for next week?" asked the clerk.


"And how long have you been unemployed?"

"By the time I start my new job, it will be one week."

"Sir, I'm afraid that you do not qualify to receive unemployment benefits. One week is not enough time to be considered unemployed."

"What are you talking about?" asked Riley. "I'm out of a job!"

"But you start a new one next week." answered the clerk. "What if we did that for everyone? We'd run out of money. You can still file to add your case to the percentage of unemployed if you like."

"You're damned right I want to file!" shouted Riley. "Even if I don't receive my right to unemployment, I want the government to know about the despicable treatment that American workers receive. You make sure that the president of the United States receives my unemployment claim! It's people like me who help keep this country together!"


On Wednesday, Riley attended a workshop at a convention center with about a hundred other newly-unemployed people throughout the area offered my the state’s unemployment services. The workshop was designed to educate those unfortunate people on how to survive during times of unemployment. Really, Riley did not belong there. I'm sure by now you would agree that Riley didn't actually lose his job—not in the sense that most people do.

As luck would have it, Riley met about a dozen of his coworkers who were laid off on the same day.

"Hey, Riley is here!"

"They got you, too, Riley?"

"Wow, this layoff is crazy!"

"I heard this workshop can help us get a new job."

Then someone asked, "How about you, Riley? Any leads? Did you get your resume updated?"

"Yeah..." answered Riley. "The new company is hiring me back for the same position. I start on Monday. They just wanted me to update my resume for their records."

"They hired you back?"

"So another words you really weren't laid off?"

"Yes I was!" snapped Riley.

"No you weren't! You go back next week!"

By now, Riley was at rope's end. He was tired of people telling him that he did not lose his job. "Look!" shouted Riley. "I'm in the same boat as you guys! They tapped me on the shoulder just like you, and brought me in the room for me to sign my exit papers and collect severance. But unlike you, I'm having trouble collecting unemployment. That means I have to go the week without a paycheck. Oh, and as for the new job; they only give me four weeks of vacation time."

Riley's coworkers took turns in adding sarcasm.

"Wow, sounds really rough…"

"Gee, I hope you can pull through..."

"Four weeks is so unfair..."

Before Riley had a chance to defend himself, the speaker of the workshop stood up on stage and announced, "If everyone can take their seats; we're going to get started."

The room quieted down, and everyone's attention was immediately turned to the front where a woman provided the proper introductions, and stated the obvious: that all were there to learn how to cope with the recent loss of a job, and how to move on.

Then the speaker transitioned into a powerful talk that educated everyone in the room as to what was happening to them. "The first thing you need to understand is that losing a job has stages that are similar to grieving the loss of a loved one."

A graph was projected onto a large screen.

"This x-axis of this graph represents time; starting from those moments just before learning that your job is over. At the right side is the day that you finally start your new job. The y-axis plots the ranges of mood and mental energy experienced. As you can see, your mood and energy is right in the middle—just normal—during the moments before learning that you are being laid off. Then, suddenly, your energy and mood spikes into panic and confusion right at the moment of learning the bad news. It stays like that for a few days to a week as you come to terms with realizing that you lost your job.

After a few days to a week, your mood and energy drop to depression. You feel hopelessness and despair. Although you have your resume ready, you realize that it will be a long time before you land a job similar to what you worked. This might be the stage where you are at, now? And then comes the stage of anger. This appears anywhere between 3 to 6 weeks as you feel injustice for what happened to you. Anger isn't a bad thing. For many people, it gives them the drive and energy to look for a new job.

Your energy will now roller coaster from depression, to frustration and then anger—again—until the day comes that you receive an offer for employment at another company. As you can see, your energy and mood shifts to happiness and excitement. On your first day and few weeks, your mood is soaring as you adapt to this new job. Then your energy and mood, finally swings back to normal.

As you can see, the loss of a job is a major crisis. It takes nearly a year to find a new job. But that's okay. Use this time to work through the grieving process.


And that's where Riley's troubles began. You see, the following Monday morning—while Riley remained in the stage of depression and despair—his alarm clock went off at 8:00am. It was time to start his new job. Riley showered, shaved and dressed in his office clothes. Then he drove his BMW to the office. Fortunately his recent loss of a job didn't cause Riley to fall behind in car payments, or even mortgage and utility payments for that matter.

And it really wasn't a new job. It was the same job in the same office building where he worked for years. He reported to the same office suite where coworkers who survived the layoff looked upon Riley in amazement. Riley truly was lucky. Not only was he able to keep his job with the new company, but he received his big, fat severance check AND a $10,000 sign on bonus with the new company. If that weren't enough, Riley received a 15% increase in his salary. That's $319,000 a year! Riley should have had perma-grin!

But Riley wasn't smiling. He logged into email and could see that business went on as usual. Clients called and scheduled teleconferences with him later that week. Even the boss popped his head in the door and said, "It's good to see you, Riley! I just could not let them lay you off! Welcome to the new company!"

After the things he learned at the loss-of-job workshop, poor Riley realized that he was never given the proper amount of time to mourn and grieve the loss of his job. For many weeks and months he worked under depression and despair. He never recovered from the crisis and must now be a bitter, resentful and contentious man who is never happy!

To make matters worse, Riley spent many days arguing and defending himself against coworkers who insisted that he wasn’t really laid off.

“You weren’t laid off, Riley!”

“Yes I was! How dare you say that? You’ll never understand what I had to go through.”

As you can see, it isn’t easy living the life of Riley.

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Fantasy of Retro Futurism

I want to be like those guys you see in the classic advertisements showcased in The Vault of the Atomic Space Age who captivate the future with the cutting edge technology of yesterday.

In the shimmering glow of neon lights and the hum of vintage machinery, I envision myself stepping into a world where retro-futurism reigns supreme. Donning a tailored suit with sharp lines and a bold tie, I stride confidently through a bustling metropolis, the air tinged with the scent of innovation and adventure.

My wristwatch—a sleek, chrome marvel—ticks with precision, reminding me of the time when the future was just a fantasy away. As I pass by gleaming chrome diners and sleek space-age cars, I embody the spirit of the Atomic Age, where optimism for the future danced hand in hand with cutting-edge technology.

I approach a gathering of onlookers, all captivated by the latest invention: a sleek, aerodynamic rocket that promises to take humanity to the stars. With a charismatic grin, I lean into the microphone, my voice smooth and persuasive. “Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the dawn of a new era! With our revolutionary propulsion system, we will not only reach the moon but beyond! Imagine a future where vacations are spent on Martian beaches and dinner parties are held in orbit!”

The crowd erupts in applause, swept away by my words. I know how to engage them—the way the classic ads did, awakening their imaginations and igniting their dreams. I present the technology not just as gadgets, but as gateways to a brighter tomorrow.

As the sun sets, casting a warm glow over the city, I climb into a gleaming rocket car. The engine roars to life, and with a wink and a wave, I take off into the twilight sky, leaving a trail of stardust behind. In that moment, I am not just a man; I am an icon of possibility, a harbinger of the future that once was—a dreamer who dares to re-imagine the past and inspire the world to reach for the stars.

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Alkaline Water

Alkaline water is slightly less acidic than regular drinking water and contains alkaline minerals. Some health claims about alkaline water include its ability to regulate pH levels, slow the aging process, and prevent chronic diseases like cancer. However, it's important to note that not all of these purported benefits are supported by research. While some small studies suggest potential health benefits, the scientific evidence supporting these claims is limited.

Benefits of Drinking Alkaline Water:

  • Hydration and Exercise: Some small studies suggest that drinking alkaline water may have potential health benefits, including increased hydration and improved lactate utilization after strenuous exercise.

  • pH Balance: Alkaline water is believed to help balance the body's pH. However, it's critical to understand that the pH levels in your blood cannot be changed drastically through diet, including by drinking alkaline water.

  • Heartburn Relief: Alkaline water may provide temporary relief of heartburn from acid reflux. However, it's important to note that it won't have a significant effect on the pH level of stomach contents or solve the main problem with heartburn, which is the reflux of acidic stomach contents into the esophagus.

  • Bone Health Support: Some small studies suggest that alkaline water may support bone health.

  • Reduced Risk of Kidney Stones: There is some indication that drinking alkaline water may reduce the risk of kidney stones.

It's important to note that the scientific evidence supporting these benefits is limited, and more research is needed to fully understand the potential advantages of drinking alkaline water.

Is Alkaline Water Safe?

Drinking alkaline water is generally safe, as it is slightly less acidic than regular drinking water and contains alkaline minerals. However, it's important to note that research hasn't definitively provided evidence for the benefits associated with it. The pH levels in your blood are tightly regulated by your kidneys and lungs, and they stay within a very strict range of 7.35-7.45 for healthy functioning. Therefore, the pH levels in your blood cannot be changed drastically through diet, including by drinking alkaline water.

Natural alkaline water occurs when it passes over rocks like springs and picks up minerals, which increase its alkaline level. This type of water is generally considered safe since it contains natural minerals.

However, it's important to note that many people who drink alkaline water buy water that has been through a chemical process called electrolysis. Natural sources of alkaline water exist, and many people do drink it.


Tuesday, September 3, 2024

The Entire World Shares the Same Electrical Ground?


In the world of electronics, the entire world shares the same ground! All circuits have ground and that ground goes to Earth. Therefore, it’s easy to conclude that all circuits are joined together.

But it's not that simple.

It is generally safe to say that plug-in electronic devices like PCs, TVs, and standard home appliances share a common ground, particularly when they are connected to the same electrical system. This shared ground is typically established through the electrical wiring in a building, where the ground wire is connected to the Earth, providing a reference point for all devices plugged into the same outlet or circuit.

When devices are plugged into the same power supply, they often share a common ground reference. This means that the ground potential is the same for all devices connected to that power source, which helps in maintaining consistent voltage levels across the devices.

Sharing a ground can be beneficial for safety, as it helps prevent electrical shocks and provides a path for fault currents. However, it can also introduce issues like ground loops, where differences in ground potential can lead to noise and interference in signals. This is particularly important in sensitive electronic systems where signal integrity is crucial.

While many devices share a common ground, there are instances where isolation is necessary, especially in sensitive applications like medical equipment. In such cases, devices may have isolated grounds to prevent interference and ensure safety.

Many devices, especially those connected to main power, have a physical connection to the Earth, portable devices like cell phones operate differently. Cell phones do not have a direct connection to Earth ground. Instead, they utilize a floating ground system. This means that the ground reference in a cell phone's circuit is not tied to the Earth but is instead defined by the circuit itself. The negative terminal of the battery often serves as this reference point, effectively acting as a common ground for the various components within the device

The floating ground in cell phones allows for greater flexibility and safety in design. Since these devices are battery-operated and not connected to a fixed power source, they can function independently without the need for an Earth connection. This design choice helps to avoid potential issues related to ground loops and interference that can occur in devices with a direct Earth ground

Monday, September 2, 2024

Absolute Truth


This is the truth that we should strive to acquire. The word absolute is literally defined as, "unable to be unperfected". Absolute truth is undeniable truth that can not be distorted, changed or manipulated in anyway to fit a belief, narrative or suggested reality.

A new perspective of embracing pure, absolute truth and then quantifying everything through pure science unlocks a great amount of potential mental energy as the mind’s energy is no longer used up on trying to calibrate events based on ideologies or beliefs of the universe. It opens the door to a newer existence.

Stars in the sky: Now there's an absolute truth that can never be altered. One can never put an alternate spin on reality when it comes to the pure truth of stars in the sky. Stars in the sky are simply stars in the sky.

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Why Do We Pray When God Knows What We Want?


Many times in life when we are praying, it’s almost as if we are telling God what to do or giving him orders. But we do not have the authority to do such a thing. Aside from that, God always knows what we want. So why bother praying?

The mystery of why we pray, despite God’s omniscience, may lie in the human experience itself. It’s not just about presenting requests but engaging in a dialogue that fosters spiritual growth and understanding. Ultimately, prayer can be seen as a transformative experience, helping individuals to align their lives with their values and beliefs while cultivating a deeper sense of peace and connection with God.

Prayer serves as a bridge between individuals and God. It allows people to express their thoughts, feelings, and desires while fostering a sense of connection with something greater than themselves. During prayer, individuals often engage in self-reflection. This introspective practice helps clarify personal needs and desires, leading to a deeper understanding of oneself and one’s life circumstances.

Prayer is also a means of expressing gratitude. Acknowledging blessings can cultivate a sense of humility, reminding individuals of the larger picture and their place within it. Many people turn to prayer to seek guidance in difficult situations. It can be a source of comfort, helping to navigate life's challenges with a sense of purpose and direction.

Regular prayer can reinforce one’s faith and beliefs, providing reassurance and a sense of community with others who share similar spiritual practices.

So pray today… Pray everyday!

Friday, May 26, 2023

What Are the Seven Wonders of the World?

Hello All:

You would think this would be a trivial question and everyone would surely be able to name them off. But, seriously, not everyone knows. I didn’t know! Maybe I just didn't pay attention in school?

For some reason the Seven Wonders popped in my head one morning in February, and I could not answer. I knew the Great Pyramid was one of them. I knew that the Taj Mahal and the Grand Canyon were considered wonders. But what about the entire list? And what about information on these wonders.

So, what are the Seven Wonders of the World?

The Seven Wonders of the World?

Well, first you need to recognize that there are different classifications for these wonders.

There are the Ancient Wonders:

  • Colossus of Rhodes

  • Great Pyramid of Giza

  • Hanging Gardens of Babylon

  • Statue of Zeus at Olympia

  • Temple of Artemis at Ephesus

  • Mausoleum at Halicarnassus

  • Lighthouse of Alexandria

There are the Natural Wonders

  • Northern Lights

  • Grand Canyon

  • Paricutin

  • Mount Everest

  • Harbor of Rio de Janeiro

  • Victoria Falls

  • Great Barrier Reef.

There are the New Wonders

  • Taj Mahal

  • Great Wall of China

  • Machu Pichu

  • The Colosseum

  • Christ the Redeemer Statue

  • Petra, Jordan

  • Chichen Itza

The Ancient Wonders

The Colossus of Rhodes was a statue of the Greek sun god Helios, erected in the city of Rhodes on the Greek island of the same name by Chares of Lindos between 292 and 280 BC. Constructed of bronze, it is generally considered one of the largest statues of the ancient world.

The Colossus stood approximately 70 cubits (105 feet [32 metres]) high, making it taller than the Statue of Liberty from base to head. It was one of the first known examples of a colossal statue, and it is said to have been one of the most impressive sights in the ancient world.

The Colossus was destroyed by an earthquake in 226 BC. It lay in ruins on the ground for nearly 900 years, until it was finally sold for scrap in 654 AD.

The Colossus of Rhodes has been the subject of much speculation and debate over the centuries. Its exact appearance is unknown, as no contemporary descriptions or images of it have survived. However, it is generally believed to have depicted Helios standing with his arms outstretched, holding a torch in one hand and a globe in the other.

The Colossus of Rhodes was a symbol of the power and wealth of Rhodes. It was also a popular tourist attraction, and it is said that people would travel from all over the world to see it.

The destruction of the Colossus was a major blow to the city of Rhodes. It was a symbol of the city's power and wealth, and its loss was a sign of its decline. However, the Colossus of Rhodes remains one of the most famous and iconic statues of the ancient world. It is a reminder of the power and beauty of ancient Greece, and it continues to fascinate people today.

The Great Pyramid of Giza is the largest of the three pyramids in the Giza pyramid complex bordering present-day Giza in Greater Cairo, Egypt. It is the oldest of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, and the only one to remain largely intact.

The pyramid was built as a tomb for the Fourth Dynasty Egyptian pharaoh Khufu and was constructed over a 20-year period. It is estimated that the pyramid contains 2.3 million blocks of stone, each weighing an average of 2.5 to 15 tons.

The Great Pyramid of Giza is one of the most popular tourist destinations in Egypt. It is estimated that over 1 million people visit the pyramid each year.

The Hanging Gardens of Babylon were described as a remarkable feat of engineering with an ascending series of tiered gardens containing a wide variety of trees, shrubs, and vines, resembling a large green mountain constructed of mud bricks. It was said to have been built in the ancient city of Babylon, near present-day Hillah, Babil province, in Iraq.

The Hanging Gardens' name is derived from the Greek word κρεμαστός (kremastós, lit. "hanging"). The Greek historian Herodotus, who visited Babylon in the 5th century BC, did not mention the gardens in his writings, but later Greek writers such as Strabo and Diodorus Siculus described them in great detail.

The exact location of the Hanging Gardens is unknown, and there is some debate about whether they ever actually existed. Some scholars believe that the gardens were located in Nineveh, the capital of the Assyrian Empire, while others believe that they were located in Babylon.

The Hanging Gardens were said to have been built by Nebuchadnezzar II, the king of Babylon, for his wife Amytis, who missed the green hills and valleys of her homeland. The gardens were said to be a series of terraces, each one higher than the last, with a wide variety of plants and trees. The terraces were irrigated by a system of canals that brought water from the Euphrates River.

The Hanging Gardens were one of the most famous wonders of the ancient world, and they were a popular tourist attraction. They were destroyed by an earthquake in the 2nd century BC, and they have not been rebuilt since.

The Hanging Gardens of Babylon are a reminder of the power and wealth of the ancient world. They are also a reminder of the importance of gardens, which provide us with beauty, food, and a connection to nature.

The Statue of Zeus at Olympia was a chryselephantine statue (made of ivory and gold) of Zeus, the king of the Greek gods, created by the Greek sculptor Phidias. It was commissioned by the Eleans in the 430s BC, and was completed in 435 BC. The statue was housed in the Temple of Zeus at Olympia, Greece, until it was destroyed by a fire in the 5th century AD.

The statue was about 12.4 meters (41 feet) tall and was made of ivory and gold over a wooden frame. The skin of Zeus was made of ivory, and his hair, beard, and clothing were made of gold. The statue was seated on a throne, which was also made of ivory and gold. The throne was decorated with reliefs of scenes from Greek mythology.

The statue of Zeus was one of the most famous and revered works of art in the ancient world. It was said to be a masterpiece of Greek sculpture, and it was a popular tourist attraction. The statue was destroyed in a fire in the 5th century AD, and no copies of it have survived. However, there are many descriptions and drawings of the statue, and it is still considered one of the greatest works of art of the ancient world.

The Temple of Artemis at Ephesus was a temple dedicated to the Greek goddess Artemis, and it was located in the city of Ephesus, in what is now modern-day Turkey. The temple was built in the 6th century BC, and it was destroyed by a mob in 401 AD.

The Temple of Artemis was one of the largest and most impressive temples in the ancient world. It was made of marble, and it was decorated with statues and reliefs. The temple was a popular pilgrimage site, and it was said to be a place of healing.

The destruction of the Temple of Artemis was a major event in the history of the ancient world. It was a symbol of the decline of the Greek city-states, and it was also a sign of the rise of Christianity.

The Temple of Artemis is still an important archaeological site. Visitors can see the ruins of the temple, and they can also learn about its history. The Temple of Artemis is a reminder of the power and beauty of the ancient world.

The Mausoleum at Halicarnassus was a tomb built for Mausolus, a satrap (governor) in the Persian Empire, and his wife Artemisia II of Caria. The mausoleum was built in Halicarnassus (now Bodrum, Turkey) between 353 and 350 BC.

The mausoleum was designed by the Greek architects Satyros and Pythius of Priene. It was a rectangular building with a colonnade on all four sides. The roof was a pyramid, and on top of the pyramid was a statue of a four-horse chariot.

The mausoleum was decorated with sculptures by some of the most famous Greek artists of the time, including Scopas, Praxiteles, and Bryaxis. The sculptures depicted scenes from the life of Mausolus and Artemisia.

The mausoleum was destroyed by an earthquake in the 13th century. Today, only a few fragments of the mausoleum remain. However, the mausoleum is still considered to be one of the most impressive buildings of the ancient world.

The Lighthouse of Alexandria was built by the Ptolemaic Kingdom of Ancient Egypt, during the reign of Ptolemy II Philadelphus (280–247 BC). It has been estimated to have been at least 100 metres (330 ft) in overall height. One of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, for many centuries it was one of the tallest man-made structures in the world.

The lighthouse was constructed in the third century BC. After Alexander the Great died, the first Ptolemy (Ptolemy I Soter) declared himself king in 305 BC, and commissioned its construction shortly thereafter. The building was finished during the reign of his son, Ptolemy II Philadelphus, and took twelve years to complete at a total cost of 800 talents of silver.

The lighthouse was built on the island of Pharos in the harbor of Alexandria, Egypt. It was made of white limestone and had three levels. The first level was square, the second level was octagonal, and the third level was cylindrical. The top of the lighthouse was crowned with a statue of Poseidon, the Greek god of the sea.

The lighthouse was used to guide ships into the harbor of Alexandria. It was also a symbol of the power and wealth of the Ptolemaic Kingdom.

The lighthouse was damaged by several earthquakes over the centuries. It was finally destroyed by an earthquake in the 14th century.

Today, the ruins of the lighthouse are located on the island of Pharos. They are a popular tourist destination.

The Natural Wonders

The Northern Lights are a natural light display in the sky. They are caused by the collision of charged particles from the sun with the Earth's atmosphere. The Northern Lights can be seen in the northern hemisphere, and they are most commonly seen in countries like Norway, Sweden, Finland, and Iceland.

The Grand Canyon is a steep-sided canyon carved by the Colorado River over millions of years. It is located in the U.S. state of Arizona, and it is one of the most popular tourist destinations in the country. The Grand Canyon is 277 miles (446 km) long, up to 18 miles (29 km) wide and attains a depth of over a mile (6,093 feet or 1,857 meters).

Paricutin is a cinder cone volcano that erupted in 1943. It is located in the Mexican state of Michoacan, and it is one of the youngest volcanoes in the world. Paricutin is only 333 feet (101 meters) tall, but it is a popular tourist destination because of its unique shape and history.

Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the world. It is located in the Himalayas, and it is a popular destination for mountaineers. Mount Everest is 29,032 feet (8,848.86 meters) tall, and it is the only mountain in the world that is over 29,000 feet tall.

Harbor of Rio de Janeiro is a natural harbor that is located in the city of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. It is one of the most beautiful harbors in the world, and it is a popular tourist destination. The harbor is home to Sugarloaf Mountain, Christ the Redeemer, and Copacabana Beach.

Victoria Falls is the largest waterfall in the world. It is located on the border between Zambia and Zimbabwe, and it is a popular tourist destination. Victoria Falls is 1,708 feet (519 meters) wide and 355 feet (108 meters) tall.

Great Barrier Reef is the largest coral reef system in the world. It is located in the Coral Sea, off the coast of Queensland, Australia. The Great Barrier Reef is home to over 1,500 species of fish, 400 species of coral, and 4,000 species of mollusks.

The New Wonders

The Taj Mahal is an ivory-white marble mausoleum on the right bank of the river Yamuna in Agra, Uttar Pradesh, India. It was commissioned in 1631 by the fifth Mughal emperor, Shah Jahan ( r. 1628–1658) to house the tomb of his favourite wife, Mumtaz Mahal; it also houses the tomb of Shah Jahan himself. The tomb is the centrepiece of a 17-hectare (42-acre) complex, which includes a mosque and a guest house, and is set in formal gardens bounded on three sides by a crenellated wall.

Construction of the mausoleum was essentially completed in 1643, but work continued on other phases of the project for another 10 years. The Taj Mahal is widely recognized as "the jewel of Muslim art in India and one of the universally admired masterpieces of the world's heritage". The tomb is the centrepiece of a 17-hectare (42-acre) complex, which includes a mosque and a guest house, and is set in formal gardens bounded on three sides by a crenellated wall.

The construction of the Taj Mahal involved an estimated 20,000 workers and took 22 years to complete. The white marble used in the mausoleum was quarried from Makrana, Rajasthan, and transported to Agra by a fleet of 1,000 elephants. The intricate inlay work was done by master craftsmen from all over India and Central Asia.

The Taj Mahal is a symbol of love, devotion, and beauty. It is a must-see for anyone visiting India.

The Great Wall of China is a series of fortifications that were built across the historical northern borders of ancient Chinese states and Imperial China as protection against various nomadic groups from the Eurasian Steppe. Several walls were built from as early as the 7th century BC, with selective stretches later joined by Qin Shi Huang (220–206 BC), the first emperor of China. Little of the Qin wall remains. Later on, many successive dynasties built and maintained multiple stretches of border walls.

The best-known sections of the wall were built by the Ming dynasty (1368–1644). The Ming wall built on the foundations of earlier walls, and also included stretches built on new alignments. The wall served as a military barrier against the raids and invasions of the various nomadic groups of the Eurasian Steppe with an eye to expansion. Additionally, the defensive characteristics of the Great Wall were enhanced by the construction of watchtowers, troop barracks, garrison stations, signaling capabilities through the means of smoke or fire, and the fact that the path of the Great Wall also served as a transportation corridor.

The Great Wall is one of the most popular tourist destinations in China. It is estimated that 100 million people visit the wall each year.

Machu Picchu is a 15th-century Inca citadel located in the Eastern Cordillera of southern Peru on a 2,430-meter (7,970 ft) mountain ridge. Often referred to as the "Lost City of the Incas", it is the most familiar icon of the Inca Empire. It is located in the Machupicchu District within Urubamba Province above the Sacred Valley, which is 80 kilometers (50 mi) northwest of Cusco. The Urubamba River flows past it, cutting through the Cordillera and creating a canyon with a tropical mountain climate.

Machu Picchu is both a cultural and natural UNESCO World Heritage Site. Since its rediscovery in 1911, growing numbers of tourists have visited the site each year, with numbers exceeding 1.4 million in 2017. As Peru's most visited tourist attraction, and a major revenue generator, it is continually exposed to economic and commercial forces. In the late 1990s, the Peruvian government granted concessions to allow the construction of a cable car and a luxury hotel, including a tourist complex with boutiques and restaurants and a bridge to the site.

The exact purpose of Machu Picchu is still a mystery. Some believe it was a royal estate, while others believe it was a religious center or a military stronghold. Whatever its purpose, Machu Picchu is a stunning example of Inca architecture and engineering. The site is made up of over 200 buildings, including temples, palaces, terraces, and agricultural fields. The walls of Machu Picchu are made of huge stones that were quarried and transported to the site without the use of wheels or draft animals. The stones were then fitted together without the use of mortar, creating a seamless and incredibly strong structure.

Machu Picchu is a truly unique and awe-inspiring place. It is a must-see for anyone interested in history, architecture, or simply the beauty of the natural world.

The Colosseum, also known as the Flavian Amphitheatre, is an oval amphitheatre in the centre of the city of Rome, Italy. Built of concrete and sand, it is the largest amphitheatre ever built. The Colosseum is situated just east of the Roman Forum. Construction began under the emperor Vespasian in 72 AD, and was completed in 80 AD under his successor and heir, Titus. Further modifications were made during the reign of Domitian (81–96). These three emperors are known as the Flavian dynasty, and the amphitheatre was named in Latin for its association with their family name (Flavius).

The Colosseum could hold an estimated 50,000 to 80,000 spectators, and was used for gladiatorial contests and public spectacles such as mock sea battles, animal hunts, executions, re-enactments of famous battles, and dramas based on Classical mythology. The building ceased to be used for entertainment in the early medieval era. It was later reused for such purposes as housing, workshops, quarters for a religious order, a quarry, and a gunpowder store. The Colosseum is one of the most popular tourist attractions in Rome.

Christ the Redeemer is a colossal statue of Jesus Christ on top of Corcovado mountain in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The statue is 98 feet (30 metres) tall, excluding its 8-metre (26 ft) pedestal. The arms stretch 28 metres (92 ft) wide. It is made of reinforced concrete and soapstone.

Christ the Redeemer is one of the most recognizable landmarks in the world and is a major tourist attraction. It was declared a National Monument of Brazil in 1981 and a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 2007.

Petra is located in Jordan. It is a historical and archaeological city that was built by the Nabataeans in the 6th century BC. The city is famous for its rock-cut architecture and water conduit system. Another name for Petra is the Rose City due to the color of the stone out of which it is carved.

Petra was founded in the 6th century BC by the Nabataeans, a nomadic people who came from the Arabian Peninsula. The Nabataeans were skilled traders and engineers, and they built Petra as a trading center. The city was located on an important trade route between Arabia and the Mediterranean Sea.

Petra is famous for its rock-cut architecture. The city is carved into the sandstone cliffs of the Wadi Musa valley. The most famous building in Petra is the Treasury, which is a large tomb that was carved into the side of a cliff. The Treasury is one of the most popular tourist attractions in Jordan.

Petra is also famous for its water conduit system. The Nabataeans built a complex system of canals and cisterns to collect and store water. The water system was essential for the survival of the city, as Petra is located in a desert region.

Petra was abandoned in the 7th century AD, after the Muslim conquest of the region. The city was rediscovered by Western explorers in the 19th century. Petra has been a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1985.

Petra is a popular tourist destination, and it is one of the most visited sites in Jordan. The city is open to visitors year-round, but it is best to visit during the spring or fall when the weather is cooler.

Chichen Itza is a Mayan archaeological site located in the Yucatán Peninsula of Mexico. It is one of the most popular tourist destinations in Mexico and was named one of the New Seven Wonders of the World in 2007.

Chichen Itza was founded around 500 AD and was a major center of Mayan culture for over 600 years. The city was abandoned around 1200 AD, but its ruins were rediscovered by Spanish explorers in the 16th century.

Chichen Itza is famous for its many impressive buildings, including the Kukulkan Pyramid, the Temple of the Warriors, and the Ball Court. The Kukulkan Pyramid is the largest building at Chichen Itza and is one of the most important structures in Mayan architecture. The pyramid is believed to have been built as a temple to the Mayan god Kukulkan, who is also known as Quetzalcoatl.

The Temple of the Warriors is another important building at Chichen Itza. The temple is dedicated to the Mayan god of war and is decorated with sculptures of warriors. The Ball Court is a large, open field that was used for playing a game called pok-a-tok. Pok-a-tok was a ritual game that was played with a rubber ball and was considered to be a test of skill and endurance.

Chichen Itza is a fascinating place to visit and is a great place to learn about Mayan culture. The site is open to the public and is located in the Yucatán Peninsula of Mexico.