Hello All:
Are the Prophecies of the Pyramid of Giza true or is it all a hoax? I spent a couple of afternoons researching a few of the claims which was no easy task.
My general take on the prophecies: For many centuries there has been a belief that the Pyramid of Giza contained clues to whatever calculations the ancient Egyptians used for determining the dimensions of the Earth along with distance to the sun, etc. It was also believed that the pyramid revealed the past, present and future of Earth as well as mankind.
Many of the findings are true regarding the pyramid. Take for example, it really is located on the Earth's center of mass. And to some extent, the pyramid really is a demonstration of a square circle which is a mathematical impossibility.
There are other claims, however, that I cannot validate such as the size of the walls summing to 36,524 inches which (if you move the comma over to just before four and replace with a decimal) you get the precise amount of days it takes for the Earth to go around the sun. I, personally, have not found this to be true. But maybe I'm doing it wrong.
There are claims that when measuring the interior of the pyramid in cubits and taking note of markings or the opening of a certain chamber, we are provided an accurate timeline of the history of mankind from the Israelites’ exodus from Egypt to the birth and crucifixion of Christ. But when comparing the dates to the historical dates that scholars agree on, the revealed dates from the pyramid don't exactly match up. Take for example the pyramid says that the Israelites made their exodus in 1453 BC where-as historians agree that this occurred in 1300 BC. So we are off by about 150 years which if it truly is a revelation, it's still remarkable.
Assuming the idea of the Great Pyramid was to relay significant information about the Earth and the history/future of mankind, whoever made the pyramid apparently knew that big events were about to occur around certain times and knew how these events would impact the future. In theory, these indicators are highlighted in areas where a chamber might ascend or a pathway splits after so many cubits. The dates revealed are approximate, give or take a hundred years or so.
After spending way too much time trying to debunk the Pyramid of Giza and literally ending up with a bad headache, I’ve concluded that there is something remarkable of the Pyramid of Giza The so-called prophecies are something to consider. But as mentioned before, I feel that the dates of history and future events contained within the pyramid are merely approximate.
Claims of the Pyramid: What is True and What is False
The Pyramid of Giza was constructed 4600 years ago.
True or False?
True: According to https://www.nationalgeographic.com/history/article/giza-pyramids the pyramids were completed roughly 2550 to 2490 B.C. Subtract that from 2023 it's pretty close.
The Pyramid of Giza stands at little over 454 feet which is the precise average height of land over sea level throughout the world.
True or False?
False: Although the pyramid really does stand at 454 feet, the average height of land over sea throughout the world is 2755.91 feet.
The base of the pyramid measures at 13.6 acres.
True or False?
True https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/pyramid/explore/gizahistory2.html
There is a flat solid granite mountain just below the surface where the pyramid is constructed to support the pyramid's weight.
True or False?
No mention of a mountain under the pyramid can be found, but "an enormous system of caves, chambers and tunnels lie hidden beneath the Pyramids of Giza, according to a British explorer who claims to have found the lost underworld of the pharaohs. Populated by bats and venomous spiders, the underground complex was found in the limestone bedrock beneath the pyramid field at Giza." https://www.nbcnews.com/id/wbna32417238 Considering that mountains have caves, this might suggest the claim to be true.
The pyramid is constructed in such a way to face true North.
True or False?
True, the pyramid was constructed so that all sides would face North, South, East and West. The entrances of pyramids are all on the north side, and the temples of the pyramids are on the east side. https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/pyramid/explore/gizahistory2.html
The pyramid is located in the precise center of the Earth's land mass.
True or False?
True, "In 1864, Charles Piazzi Smyth, Astronomer Royal for Scotland, gave in his book Our Inheritance in the Great Pyramid the coordinates with 30°00′N 31°00′E, the location of the Great Pyramid of Giza in Egypt. He stated that this had been calculated by "carefully summing up all the dry land habitable by man all the wide world over". https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geographical_centre_of_Earth
Each side of the Great Pyramid is slightly caved in to form a bow. The radius of this bow is equal to the exact radius of the Earth.
True or False?
Not entirely true...
What is true: Despite what you may think about this ancient structure, the Great Pyramid is an eight-sided figure, not a four-sided figure. Each of the pyramid's four sides are evenly split from base to tip by very subtle concave indentations. It is believed that this discovery was made in 1940 by a British Air Force Pilot. https://www.discovery.com/exploration/Eight-Faces-Great-Pyramid-Giza
As for matching the radius of the Earth, plenty of sources are quick to jump on this claim without any explanation. However, the best explanation I've read is one hell of a long shot. You get the feeling that people had to use trial and error to find the right dimensions to fit a formula that would demonstrate the Egyptians knew the dimensions of the Earth. "The distance the Earth spins or rotates at the Equator in 2 seconds is equal to the Perimeter of the Great Pyramid of Giza. Since there are 86,400 seconds in a day, 2 seconds is 1/43200th of a day. The height of the Great Pyramid of Giza multiplied by 43,200 = the polar radius of the earth. The base perimeter of the Great Pyramid, multiplied by 43,300 = the equatorial circumference of the earth. Thus, the monument has encoded into it the dimensions of the planet, on a scale of 1 to 43,200. The number 43,200 is derived from the precession of the earth’s axis (i.e. the earth wobbles on its axis at a rate of 1 degree every 72 years… and 43,200 is a multiple of 72.) https://dustyreviews.com/2022/03/09/dusty-conspiracies-the-great-pyramid/
The Pyramid of Giza is a mathematical impossibility due to the fact that the pyramid's measurements demonstrate it to be a square circle.
True or False
Somewhat true, "The height of the Great Pyramid is to its base perimeter as a radius is to a circle’s circumference, the base being a square version of a circle. Although the Great Pyramid is not the product of a particular circle-squaring operation because the four sides are not equal, it never the less should be considered, in principal at least, to be the product-child of the union of its mother, the circle, representing the spirit side of All, and its father, the square, representing matter." https://greatpyramidmath.weebly.com/25.html
Thy Pyramid of Giza once had an outer layer of polished casing stones, each weighing twenty tons. Arabs stole them during an Earthquake once they were loosened.
True or False?
True, the top-most part was lost because, over time, the pyramid outer casing was stripped for stone to use it in building elsewhere... On the upper fourth or fifth of Khafre's Pyramid the casing is still preserved. We have evidence that the stripping of the pyramids' fine outer casing began as early as the New Kingdom in ancient Egypt - the era of Tutankhamen, when the pyramids were already 1,200 years old, or more! The removal of the casing of the Giza Pyramids, therefore, went on from the 12th century B.C. to the 12th Century A.D. when the Arab historian, Abd al-Latif al-Baghdadi, visited Egypt (about 1196 A.D.) and reported that Karakoush, working for the Egyptian ruler, began to quarry the smaller pyramids at Giza for building stone. The fact that the casing still hangs on the upper part of Khafre's Pyramid indicates that those who stripped the fine limestone off the pyramid casings started from bottom and progressed to top." https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/pyramid/mail/responses970207.html#:~:text=The%20top%2Dmost%20part%20was,used%20for%20the%20outer%20casing.
In the days of Sir Isaac Newton, there was legend that the Great Pyramid of Giza revealed Earth's past, present and future. For this reason, he visited the pyramid to help complete his law of gravity.
True or False?
True, Newton was interested in the cubit, a unit of measurement used by the Great Pyramid’s builders. He believed that it could enable him to figure out the exact dimensions of other ancient structures. In particular, he hoped to learn the dimensions of the Temple of Solomon, which he thought could hold the key to understanding the biblical apocalypse. He was trying to find proof for his theory of gravitation, but in addition the ancient Egyptians were thought to have held the secrets of alchemy that have since been lost. Many of Newton’s unpublished notes concerning alchemy, occult matters and the biblical apocalypse only resurfaced after his death in 1727… His papers were bursting with evidence for just how heretical his views were... He tied his interest in the pyramid to his efforts to understand gravity. He thought that the ancient Greeks had successfully measured Earth’s circumference using a unit called the stade, which he believed was borrowed from the Egyptians. By translating the ancient measurement, Newton hoped to validate his own theory of gravity. https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/notes-revealing-isaac-newtons-occult-theory-great-pyramids-sold-180976478/
The true amount of days it takes for the Earth to go around the sun (365.24 days) is revealed in the pyramid. This is obtained by calculating the pyramid's four walls: 9131 inches x 4 = 36,524. Simply move the decimal over and you get the precise amount of days.
True or False?
Does not seem to be true. Each side of the base of the pyramid is 756 feet. Multiply that times 4 and you get 3024. Multiply that times 12 and you get 36,288 which certainly isn't anywhere near 36,524.
The entrance of the pyramid marks the year of the pyramid's completion, 2623 BC.
True or False?
2623 BC is about 75 years later from the estimated date of the pyramid's completion, but certainly close enough. As for the entrance marking the completion, this is assuming the entrance was the last area constructed.
An area of scored lines marks the year, 2141 BC when the North Star would would have shined through the descending passage.
True or False?
In ancient times, the celestial pole was near Thuban, located in the constellation Draco. https://www.constellation-guide.com/polaris-the-north-star/#:~:text=Polaris%20wasn%27t%20always%20the,it%20was%20to%20Alpha%20UM Assuming this star really did shine through the descending passage, then the claim is true.
By measuring inch-by inch (in cubits), we are taken to the year 1453 BC, the year when the Israelites made their exodus from Egypt.
True or False?
The date is off by about 150 years. Historians and scholars agree that the Exodus would have occurred in 1300 BC. https://www.britannica.com/event/Exodus-Old-Testament Still, it’s a pretty close considering that this would have been predicted.
Travel upwards in the chamber until reaching the grand gallery. By measuring in inches, we learn that we have reached the date in history of September 29, 2 BC which is supposed to be the birth of Christ.
True or False?
No links or sources are necessary. All Christians know that Christ was born on December 25, 1BC. Although a controversial thing to say, there is plenty of historical evidence to back this up. So we are off by a hundred or so years. Still, it’s interesting.
The entry point to the grand gallery forms what is known as the Christ Triangle. For within that triangle are two other significant dates that mark Christ's baptism as well as his crucifixion: October 14, 29AD and April 3, 33 AD respectively.
True or False?
AD 33 sounds about right, although various sources offer different years. As for the baptism, this, too, has so many conflicting sources, even those that reference the Bible. Again, the dates provided by the pyramid a pretty close if not completely accurate.
As one continues to ascend the Grand Gallery beyond the Christ Triangle, there is a large step at the top that when measured matches with the year of 1844 AD which many know is the start of the industrial age.
True or False?
Close enough: “The Industrial Revolution was the transition to new manufacturing processes in Great Britain, continental Europe, and the United States, that occurred during the period from around 1760 to about 1820–1840” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Industrial_Revolution
In terms of measurement, the Grand Gallery ends in the year of 1914 AD which coincidentally starts World War 1.
True or False:
This is true: First World War (28 July 1914 – 11 November 1918). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_War_I