Monday, November 9, 2020

The Quantum Age

The Quantum Age

The people of the future live in a reality that is very much unlike what we are currently familiar with. This is due the fact that they are well into the Quantum Age which runs in parallel with the evolution of human consciousness. 

Located at the end of the 2020, we are at the Dawn of the Quantum Age. And that threshold is continuously being pushed further and further towards earlier years--earlier decades--as the people of the future extend and join their consciousness with those nearing the Quantum Age.

Ask yourself, "When did you become aware of a sudden evolution or movement into a new sort reality?" For me, it was around 2018 when I created some sketchy rough drafts on time travelers for our sister port, PSYhub. And yet for nearly a couple of decades before that, I was aware of something very peculiar happening around us. It was like we were heading towards something big that would change and revolutionize the human race, forever. Perhaps you noticed the same?

There are reasons why Nostradamus suggested or hinted that prophecy would die sometime around 1997. I think he was noting that things got fuzzy beyond a certain date as we neared the 21st century. It's because humans would no longer be predictable and history would no longer be doomed to repeat itself. Now, at the threshold of the Quantum Age, I can understand why this is. Our consciousness has evolved to the point of understanding it's impact on the universe around us.

So what in the world am I talking about? What's the Quantum Age, or quantum reality, and what qualifies me as a sudden expert to discuss such a thing?

Well, first of all, I'm not a expert of quantum reality. Neither are you. And yet this big mystery is about to change our entire world--our entire universe! Shouldn't we at least try to adopt some sort of cursive understanding of quantum reality?

Ask most people to share their understanding of quantum physics along with it's impact on reality. They would simply shrug their shoulders or admit to never hearing of such a thing. Quantum physics, after all, is the stuff that scientists and physicists think about and discuss. And if most people tried to do some research into quantum physics, they would discover a bunch of equations and complicated theories pertaining to physics. And yet, like said before, the Quantum Age is upon us, and it's about to change our world to something vastly different. 

What's more? Quantum physics is one of the biggest secrets being held from the vast population. It is such a secret that it's almost forbidden for people to have a cursive understanding of it. There are reasons why it seems so complex and so boring when attempting to research. It's because for so long, a small and elite population of people have understood it and benefited from it. The less people who know, the better off the elite are.

One of the key concepts of quantum physics that will ultimately change our world is the proven Observer Phenomenon. Proven by the Double Slit Experiment, all matter is in various states of existence or "super-positioning" until finally observed. Further more, atomic particles can exist as waves or particles. The transition from one or the other depends on the observer who causes a collapse of the wave function which results in matter. In short, mind controls matter. We can literally will things into existence by calibrating our thoughts and our will to the point of collapsing this wave function into matter. This opens up a whole new understanding of the universe to be nothing more that a giant hologram with portions that illuminate and take shape when we simply observe. Imagine if we had the ability to calibrate thoughts and will.

The concept of non-locality is another item which will change our world. It seems to suggest that space is an illusion. Particle A and Particle B can be a thousand miles away from each other. But due to a phenomenon that Albert Einstein coined as spooky entanglement, the two of them duplicate one another's states--seem to actually know about each other despite the large distance of separation. Particle A and Particle B loses their individuality. Again, this opens up a whole new understanding of space between objects and the possibility that it may be just an illusion.

Dark matter as the whereabouts of consciousness and the afterlife, String Theory proving multiple dimensions beyond our known four; humans with an ability pass through physical walls like a ghost, and--yes--the realized ability to travel forward and reverse in time. These are all revolutionary developments in the 21st century that the people of the future have already embraced and have begun using. Their consciousness and understanding of the universe is vastly different from ours. 

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Schrödinger's Cat Theory Hype?

 I don't know if I believe in the Schrödinger's Cat theory, a well known theory to illustrate the importance of the Observer effect. Those familiar with the theory can certainly recall how the cat is locked up inside of a box with no way of those on the outside to view, hear, or measure what's going on inside. With the cat is a vile of some toxic, radioactive material. If that cat gets into this vile, the cat will surely die. 

Understanding what's inside of the box without being able to gauge the outcome, Schrödinger argues that the cat is both alive and dead. This is because the human element hasn't imposed the observer effect by opening up the box and confirming what is there. 

But I think the Schrödinger's Cat theory suggests the human element to have way more importance than what we really have. Just because we can't see, hear, measure or detect in any way, it doesn't mean the reality doesn't exist. I'm surprised people haven't created a list of a dozen or more realities in that box. The cat could be sitting there, meowing, while waiting for its owner to open the box. The cat could be sleeping because its bored. The cat might also have been so frightened from being trapped in a box that it died of a hear attack. We can take it even further and say that while opening up the box, we inadvertently broke the vile which killed the cat. But regardless of the countless scenarios we come up with, there is still a definite reality in that box that we simply are unaware of. 

If we religiously followed the Schrödinger's Cat theory, we could declare any number of realities to exist or not exist simply because we haven't confirmed them. In a dramatic example, we could say that your loved one has driven off in a car to--say--the store or any arbitrary place. A minute or two later, you hear emergency vehicles. Then, fifteen minutes later, you get a phone call which shows on caller ID as coming from the police. If you refuse to answer the phone and refuse to confirm whether or not your loved one was tragically killed in an automobile accident; then, according to Schrödinger, your loved one is both alive and dead. And I suppose if you favor the the reality of your loved one being alive, you can simply go with that one.

Oh, but a day or two passes (assuming the police or anyone else is unable to reach you) and your loved one hasn't returned home. You haven't received a telephone call, text message, email or even letter. I suppose you can theorize that your loved one simply ran away without telling you. Or maybe they simply got lost and were unable to find their way back home. There are any number of possibilities to explain why your loved one is missing. But it certainly wouldn't have anything to do with that car crash and the police trying to reach you.

The reality is, (KNOCK AND WOOD AND GOD FORBID THIS FROM LEAKING OUTSIDE OF THE WRITING) your loved one has died in a car crash. You simply refuse to see the truth. And no matter how much you try, you do not have the power to focus on an alternative reality, harness some mystical energy so that your loved one is still alive.


Some years ago, I went for a hike in the forest on a winter day shortly after we had just received a large amount of snow. This particular forest preserve was one that I had visited when I was younger. And something I remember in those past visits was a rusty, old Jeep that had been overturned and laying at the bottom of a ravine. 

"Hey, maybe I should hike over there and see if it's still there."

I hiked about five minutes, and saw some rectangular mass buried beneath the fresh, fallen snow. 

"There it is!" 

I climbed down steep ravine and crossed over the frozen creek only to discover that the rectangular mass was a pile of logs buried in snow. The old Jeep had been removed from the forest at some point in the years that I hadn't visited.

I wonder if there are those who argue that had I not gone down to the ravine to confirm the existence of the jeep, dusted off the snow and touched it with my hands, that the reality of it existing down there would still be true. I've often wondered this myself. And yet I prefer to believe that regardless of whether or not I went down there, the Jeep was gone. I simply didn't take a closer look to confirm. If I went home, satisfied, that I found the Jeep during my hike in the woods, it wouldn't actually be there. 

Friday, May 29, 2020

If You Could Do It All Over Again...

If You Could Do It All Over Again... 

Has anyone ever asked you the question, "If you could do things over again in your life, knowing what you know now, would you do things differently?"

Someone recently asked me this.

"Of course I would, who wouldn't?" I answered. "As a kid, I would pay attention in class and do better in school. As a young adult, I would know my career path earlier. I would be wiser with money and have the knowledge of investing. I could be rich!" This is what most people think. 

Oh, but there's so much more! How about that ex boyfriend/girlfriend?--you know the one, the one you wished you had never met? We all have those. Well upon doing your life over, you would be sure to avoid this person like the plague. The same goes for all those people who you thought were your friends, but ended up becoming people who you couldn't trust or even people who you learned really didn't like you. You would immediately avoid them once re-encountering them on your second chance life. If you're old enough, you would probably re-encounter some of your first careers and you'd realize that this job offer wasn't the greatest, or that working for this person would probably lead to certain misery that you wouldn't have wanted. The benefits go on and on.

Sometimes re-living your life offers tough choices and hidden consequences. Take for example that girl (or guy) that you always wished you had taken a chance on. What would happen if you did that the second time around? Maybe you wouldn't end up meeting your spouse and having the same children that you have now. 

If you happen to be my age and you grew up in the eighties, you would immediately become very bored with the music. Oh sure, we all love retro 80s... for about a half an hour or so. Imagine if that's all you could hear when you turned on the radio. 

You would miss a lot of the things that you have now such as a computer. In the 80s, you would purchase a computer at the first chance you get. It would have been a pricey novelty around the time that you grow up. You were so used to having one in your first-chance life that you would need one when you're doing your life over again. And how about your iPhone or Android? They don't have those. You would probably invest in some sort of pricey hand-held device like one of the earliest palm pilots because you're used to having information in your hand.