Aliens and Quartz Induced False Memories
Deep within the ground of certain areas are layers that are made of tons of quartz. This is nothing unusual. The Earth has layers of iron, coal, nickel, sand, copper, etc. in other areas. Many of us in the electronics industry know that when quartz is broken or compressed, the result is an external charge of various frequencies. We use this process in certain electronic products today. Many times there is a minute shifting underneath the ground. When this happens in a region that contains layers of quartz, the obvious happens. Some of it gets compressed in another direction or even broken. We are talking tons of this element being broken and compressed within seconds. Imagine the charge that would be generated! So what is so special about all of this?
Psychological research has demonstrated that when the bandwidth and charge of these quartz crystals is applied to a persons head, an area called the Temporal Lobe in the brain is affected. The Temporal Lobe is responsible for generating certain memories including sensory memories. The Temporal Lobe is even responsible for letting you know that you are with company or in the presence of other people.
Volunteers allowed themselves to be strapped into a chair with electrodes attached to their heads and brain monitoring equipment. The lights were shut off, and the volunteers closed their eyes and let their minds relax. Obviously they had to be fully awake for this experiment as if not to fall asleep! After some time, the researchers generated the high frequency and low electric charge present in quartz when compressed or broken. The result was astounding! Some of the volunteers began to feel uncomfortable because they felt as if someone was sneaking up behind them in the room. None of the researchers entered the room. Some of the volunteers tried to "mentally reach out" and figure out what was going on. "Who is in here?" What is going to happen next?" They experienced very strange and uneasy feelings. Some of them even began to see strange, skinny, grayish, clay like people in their minds. One volunteer became terrified and aborted the experiment.
If this is the result of a low charge signal applied to the brain, what would be the result of tons of quartz being broken in an instant underneath the ground? What kind of strange feelings and memories would this cause someone to have above ground in an area where this happens? Perhaps we could conclude that the Hills passed through a region dense in underground quartz. Maybe that night a small shifting underground took place and forged the most bizarre and frightening memories for Betty & Barney Hill.