Tuesday, August 29, 2000

Future Issues and_Wormhole

 Hello All,

    I have enclosed a list of some future topics that I will be discussing. Some of them may appear in this week's issues:

-Real Life Story! With a shoestring budget and all the outside pressure not to fulfill his dreams, John Kraus built a one of the world's most efficient radio telescopes that may have received signals from an extra terrestrial civilization. 

-An appointment with a extra terrestrial visitors: A fictional story of a man who contacted aliens with his ham radio and set an appointment to meet them.

-They believe they come from the planet Venus: Forget the famous book "Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus"! This is a bizarre society of men and women that actually believe they come from the planet Venus!

-Welcome in the winter sky with me: Scheduled for around Thanksgiving. This issue will familiarize you with the winter night sky and make a very special Thanksgiving ritual to enjoy year after year.

-Your ticket to the top: Fed up with the corporate bull? Waiting for your chance to leave Motorola behind and develop an exciting new product? This communication product allows the user to listen to thousands of Internet radio stations while driving in the car! The best part; it uses simple, inexpensive, "old world" technology. Anyone ever think about starting a business?

-UFO abductions. What's the deal?: All extra terrestrial theories behind; just what does happen to the victims of a UFO abduction?

-Lucid dreaming and the various gates of attainment: Some people claim to have what are called out-of-body experiences. Learn how you can jump on this latest craze of lucid dreaming. Use the same techniques as outlined in the "Tibetan Book of the Dead".

-People you can meet from other worlds: With the use of quartz crystals, I was able to contact a strange entity named Lunia. Hear my account of his strange world and the other places you won't believe that I have visited!

-Mars! The final Issue: Okay, maybe it won't be a mind blower. But the final issue will bring to light the possibility of an advanced civilization existing on Mars today.

Worm Holes

A story that I once heard and was never quite sure if it was real or made up had me terrified of worm holes. For those who do not know, a worm hole is an opening in the time space continuum that connects to another place and time in the cosmos. A 4th dimensional model to illustrate this theory would be to tear two holes in a dinner napkin at adjacent ends and then bring the two together momentarily. Pretending that the dinner napkin was the entire universe, we could conclude that a traveler would have no need to travel for thousands of years in a rocket ship. All that is needed is to open up a worm hole. The question is "How?". I will be doing some research into time travel theory and hyperspace travel. Hopefully we will have some interesting Mind Altering Stimuli to put on the table and discuss. For now, here is a story that I once heard just to get our creative juices flowing.

A woman was making dinner one evening while her daughter watched TV in the living room. It was a hot summer day, the kitchen was very hot from cooking, and the living room was bathed in radiation and sound from the girl watching TV. Suddenly the woman heard her daughter screaming in fear. "Mommy look! Come hear, quick!" The mother ran to the living room to see her daughter standing near a shimmering vortex of light and distant sounds. As she grabbed her daughter to protect her they were both engulfed by this vortex and found themselves in another family's apartment in another state hundreds of miles away! The whole ordeal was traumatic for both parties involved in this incident. It launched a police investigation with no answers. The Mother and child were on watch for the next several months.

One theory is that the intense heat in the home combined with radiation and sound of the TV opened up a worm hole to another family's apartment. With no scientific proof the theory was obviously thrown out. But the story ends with a very chilling and haunting reality.

One afternoon the local police drove by the womans house to see if all was well. The house was not there! No house, no grass, no fence, no drive way! As the officer stepped out of his vehicle to further examine he couldn't even see a foundation where the house once stood. There wasn't even evidence of house once being there! Nobody ever knew what happened to the woman and her child much less the house. Ever since I heard this story, I developed an intense fear of automatic worm holes!

Monday, August 28, 2000

Doppler Effect

Hello All!

As promised, I have included a discussion on the Doppler Effect for those who are unfamiliar with it. It may look (yawn!) very boring at the beginning, but keep reading… IT GETS REALLY GOOD! ENJOY!

Doppler Effect

         I always thought that the Doppler Effect was a common topic discussed at dinner time. What is the Doppler effect? Well it concerns both sound and light vibrations; something that physicists work with on a daily basis. One  Austrian physicist named Christian Doppler noticed that as trains approached him, the sound had a high pitch. But as the train went by him the sound pitch lowered. So after some intense theorizing, mathematics, and tests he came up with a law called the Doppler Effect. The Doppler Effect is defined as such: The apparent difference between the frequency at which sound or light waves leave a source and that at which they reach an observer, caused by relative motion of the observer and the wave source. So in short, as an object is approaching you, the light and sound waves are at a higher frequency. As an object is moving away from you, the light and sound waves shift to a lower frequency.

      The following is an example of the Doppler effect: as one approaches a blowing horn, the perceived pitch is higher until the horn is reached and then becomes lower as the horn is passed. Similarly, the light from a star, observed from the Earth, shifts toward the red end of the spectrum (lower frequency or longer wavelength) if the Earth and star are receding from each other and toward the violet (higher frequency or shorter wavelength) if they are approaching each other. The Doppler effect is used in studying the motion of stars and to search for double stars and is an integral part of modern theories of the universe. 

So go ahead! Talk about sound and light waves and the effect of Doppler shift at your dinner table. You will find that the conversation will go on for hours past your bed time. Your children will not sleep because of their nightmares about sound waves. You will be unable to perform in bed for your spouse because you keep thinking about sound and light waves. For weeks you will be unproductive at your job because you keep thinking about the Doppler Effect. Dinner time will become a nerve wrenching experience:

FATHER: “Please don’t anyone talk about those damn sound waves! They make me so nervous!”

MOTHER: “Honey, maybe you should stop thinking about them. You obsess over the silliest things!”

DAUGHTER: “Daddy, please don’t talk about those light waves again. They scare me.”

MOTHER: “She hasn’t had a decent nights sleep in weeks. What do you expect when you keep her up for hours fretting over such silly things liked sound waves. And when she does sleep she gets nightmares about you and sound and light…”


DAUGHTER: (starting to cry) “No Daddy! No!”

Your wife will have enough and will decide to have you committed for your own personal safety.

So go ahead. Keep thinking about those light and sound waves and how the Doppler Effect crunches them. It will drive you mad. It will give you a nervous break down!