Friday, January 29, 2016

Live Alien Abduction on the Evening News

Hello All:
I had a bizarre dream on Wednesday night about a family alien abduction. It was so bizarre that I though I should make a story about it. And so, today's featured writing is a detailed account of that strange dream. Enjoy!
Have a great weekend! And if you see a bright light outside your front door, don't open it.

Live Alien Abduction on the Evening News
It was supposed to be the night of a special, never-seen-before meteor shower. Astronomers theorized that two colliding asteroids in Earth's usual path of orbit (when Earth wasn't in that location, of course!) had resulted in countless fragments of shattered space matter.
And this is what the weather anchor, Steve Sodaman, reported to the much-intrigued city and surrounding suburbs after presenting the nightly weather forecast.  It was the 10:00 edition. "Now astronomers say that this will be an absolutely fantastic meteor shower.” he explained. “It's supposed to be unlike anything people have seen before! The sky will be lit up for hours..."
Just then, one of the news anchors interrupted, "Steve, you might want us to click over to the other screen. We've got a caller who claims to have some amazing, live video footage of the meteor shower."
"Let's see it!" agreed the weather anchor.
The entire city and surrounding suburbs watched as the screen switched over from the weather anchor's presentation, to what appeared to be the broadcasted web cam from someone's cell phone. But it wasn't a view of the sky. Rather, it was simply the view of someone's front door—taken from inside a home—with a brilliant, red light shining through the plate glass from above.
"And we have them on the phone, too." informed the news anchor. "You can talk to them."
"Hello?" called out Steve Sodaman.
The caller's voice (a woman) could be heard through the broadcasted receiver of a phone. "Yes, I thought I should share this video with you. It's live. It's a terribly bright, red light that is shining through our front door. See the large plate glass, above?"
"Yes, we see that." confirmed the weather anchor. "From what we see on the screen, it looks like enormous lava light. The red color has swirling, globs of color to it."
"Exactly!" agreed the caller. "We're wondering if this is what we are supposed to be seeing."
"Well are you sure that's actually from the meteor shower?" asked the weather anchor. "That looks like a decorative light outside on your front porch."
One of the news anchors interrupted and asked the caller, "Did you go outside to see what it is?"
"We can't!" answered the caller. "We're afraid to go out there."
"Afraid to go out there?" exclaimed the weather anchor, Steve Sodaman. "Just open your door so we can see what it is. I'm curious."
"Yeah, I think we all are." chimed in one of the news anchors, Laurie Sandcastle. "And the same goes for everyone else watching in this city."
"We're actually afraid that something is out there with it." informed the caller. "We think there is some intelligent presence beyond our comprehension that is trying to get our attention."
"Wow!" exclaimed the other news anchors. "Like what?"
"Well don't be afraid." reassured weather anchor, Steve Sodaman. "You've got the whole city with you right now. We are broadcasting your live video."
The caller sighed and then spoke to another person who was apparently her husband. "They want us to open door and see what it is." Some arguing could be heard before she returned to speaking to the newscast. "Okay, we're going to open the door."
The phone was set on a nearby table in the family room with camera lense facing the foyer so that the whole world could watch the family—a husband, wife and three kids—approach and open the front door.
As the front door opened, a blinding red light nearly exploded through the foyer and family room. It was so bright, that it flooded the phone's light detectors. This triggered the automated light adjust so that video could still be detected. While this occurred, all those who watched the news broadcast that evening heard bloodcurdling screams from the family.
"Good Heavens!" exclaimed the weather anchor, Steve Sodaman. "What could possibly be happening?"
The phone's camera gradually adjusted the light exposure so that identifiable video footage returned. The whole city watched as the trailing bodies of family members ran for dear life to some other area of the home. Seconds later, a mysterious cable (or hose) floated its way through the front door. It was apparently very long and stretched to the outside world from wherever it had come.
"This is very bizarre." commented news anchors, Laurie Sandcastle. The camera switched over to her as she announced to the city's millions of viewers. "Ladies and Gentleman, we originally accepted live video footage of the meteor shower from a caller. But the live video has evolved into something bizarre. It would appear that a mysterious force has penetrated a home and has the family terrified. We'll continue broadcasting this video as time permits."
The whole world continued to watch as the bright light from outside the door continued to shine through the home. Additional wires and hoses floated inside and towards the area where the family was presumed to be.
"Hello?" called out the voice of a little girl.
"Yes who is this?" answered weather anchor, Steve Meteor.
"This is Allison. I live here with my Mommy and Daddy."
"What's going on right now?" asked the Steve Sodaman. "Is someone in your home?"
"We can't see them." answered little Allison. "There's a big, floating house outside with bright lights on it."
"Like a space ship?" suggested one of the news anchors.
"Yeah..." answered little Allison.
"And did the people on this space ship come in your home?" further probed the news anchor.
"We can't see them. They move too fast" explained little Allison.
Suddenly, bloodcurdling screaming could be heard from one of the rooms. "Stop it! Go away! Leave us alone!"
"Who is that?" asked the news anchor.
Allison sounded so sad, "It's my Mommy. She wants them to go away."
The news and weather anchors all exclaimed sadness together.
Just then, a lighted object with peculiar writing that was attached to one of the hoses floated in through the door. It was difficult to make out what is said. Most people watching the video assumed that it was too fuzzy to be seen clearly.
"Something just floated in through the family home." announced weather anchor, Steve Meteor. Like Laurie said a few minutes ago, we were watching what was supposed to be live video footage of tonight's meteor shower, but it's turned into what appears to be a family alien abduction."
Steve Meteor then asked the little Allison, "Do you know what that thing is that just floated in with the hoses."
"It's a sign, "answered Allison. "It has writing on it."
"Do you know what the sign says?" asked the weather anchor.
"No, it has strange writing on it." answered Allison. "I think it says that medicine is going to be used for the surgery. It's the name of the medicine, and it's inside the sign.
"Surgery???" shouted news anchor, Laurie Sandcastle. "They're doing surgery on all of you?"
"Yeah..." answered little Allison. "That's why Mommy was so upset. The surgery hurts and makes all of us sick."
Screams from the other end of the house suddenly turned softer and softer. Whatever the aliens were doing to the family, it caused them to grow weak—maybe unconscious.
"I have to go now." informed little Allison. "It's my turn for surgery."
And that's what was reported during the 10:00 news on a night of a meteor shower.